Approver Notification

Approver Notification settings available to the Administrator role are used to adjust the approver notification process.


Requests for approvals are delivered by a number of means, each triggered at specified intervals.



Dashboard Alerts - Appearing at the top of your Dashboard, these alerts will start as yellow and become red in color after a period of time to denote that they have become delayed and at risk of no response. Click on these alerts to view the request for approval.

Email - Prendio will send an email to the approver requesting approval. The email will include a summary of the requisition along with links to Accept, Reject or Review in Detail. These links provide a direct path through log-in to act on the request.

Text Messages - Optionally, Prendio can send a reminder text message to the mobile phone of the approver. The user's mobile phone number and carrier must be specified in the User Profile to enable this feature.

Delegate - In the case that there is no response from the approver, their delegate will be notified by a single email.

No Response - If there is no response from the delegate, the system will either auto-skip to the next Spend approver (higher approve limit) or remain with the delegate. The requester will be alerted and seek assistance from your buyers.

Note - Skipping is only allowed for spend approvals and is NOT permitted for the top-most approver in the company.

Notification settings are available to the Administrator role only. Time can be entered in Days (24 hours), Hours and Minutes. The time entered represents the amount of time between steps. For example, in the settings shown below, if the requisition is submitted at 1pm (time 0), the first email request to the approver is sent immediately at 1pm. The reminder email will be sent 2 hours later, at 3pm. The reminder text will be sent at so on. Once the approver has approved, the next approver will be notified with the first request by email...and the process starts again.


Quiet Hours
Enable quiet hours to put the notification on hold during the specified time period.


For more information about the types of approval available and the order of approvers, see the article Approvals Overview.