Order Type

Order Type
While most orders will be placed by the Buyer directly and you will be updated, in some cases you will prefer to deliver the purchase order and purchase order number to the supplier yourself. The Order Type in the Cart header provides this flexibility.
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I will place the order
If you want to place the order yourself, select the "I will place order" option in the cart header. The buyer will negotiate the order if needed, and you will be sent by email the final Purchase Order PDF including the PO Number.


Buyer will place order
This is the most chosen option. The buyer will negotiate the order if needed, create the Purchase Order PDF and PO Number and provide it to the buyer, and request confirmation. You will be updated when the order is submitted to the supplier and confirmed by the supplier.


Note - Punchout orders are not confirmed in the same manner as non-punchout orders. You will receive a notification from Prendio that your punchout order was submitted to the supplier. The supplier will often send a confirmation directly to you as the requester.