Payments - Application & Setup

Updated on February 12, 2025


Payments in Prendio allows companies to streamline everything from procurement to payments all within Prendio.  Users can customize an approval process for payments to match their company's unique workflow, ensuring every payment gets permitted efficiently and accurately.

If interested in enabling Payments for your company, please email


Assigning Payment User Roles

Payment Provider Setup

Setting Up Bank Accounts


Assigning Payment User Roles

Payment Roles can be assigned to user via the Admin role. Navigate to Admin > Users:


Locate the user account to make adjustments using the search:


After the correct user account is located, select Edit in the Action column:


The User Account Setup window appears for the user:


In Prendio Roles, Payment roles can be found as sub-roles of AP Management:


The Payment roles available include:

  • Payment Setup: This role manages payment settings and bank accounts. Only users with this role can access the Payment Settings tab. Removing this role from a user may trigger warning messages to ensure uninterrupted payment processes.  At least one user needs this role, and it cannot be removed unless assigned to someone else. Multiple user can be assigned the Payment Setup role if necessary.
  • Payment Approver: This role approves or rejects payment batches. At least one user must have this role.  Any Payment Approvers also assigned the Payer role to submit payment batches cannot approve their own payment batches.
  • Payer: This role prepares and submits payments. It can also approve batches if the user has the Payment Approver role as well.  Removing this role from a user may trigger warning messages to ensure uninterrupted payment processes. This role cannot be removed from a user if the user is part of an in-progress payment batch.

Please note that assigning any of the Payment roles to a user will automatically assign the user the AP Management role.


Check the boxes next to the roles to assign to the user:


Save on the bottom of the User Account Setup window when complete and exit:






Payment Provider Setup

After Payments are enabled Prendio Customer Service, users assigned the Payment Setup role can setup the payment provider via AP Management > Payment Settings:


On the left, select Payment Provider Setup:


Complete the Application Setup details. Required fields will be noted with an asterisk *. The application status will update as the setup progresses:


Submit and Save the application when complete:


A message will appear in the top right of the screen indicating that the application has been submitted:


The Application Setup screen will update to indicate that the information has been sent to the payment provider and is waiting to be approved:


The application must be submitted and approved before bank accounts can be added to process payments. The application status can be tracked on the Payment Provider Setup page. After submitting the application, you'll receive contract information at the provided email. Review and sign it to finalize the setup with the payment partner.


After the payment partner approves the application, the status will update to approved with the user’s email address:





Setting Up Bank Accounts

After an application is Active, the Bank Accounts Setup section will be available. Navigate to AP Management > Payment Settings > Payment Provider Setup > Edenred:


Locate the Bank Accounts Setup section:


Select Add Bank Account:


Complete the details for a new bank account:


Select the appropriate ERP GL Account Mapping for each bank account added. The GL Account selected will be the account where payments post in an ERP system:


Complete the rest of the Bank Account details as all fields are required. Upload a signature image:


Save when complete:


The status of the account will update to Pending:


After verification, the account will update to Active:


Users can select Edit (pencil icon) to adjust the GL Account Mapping:


Accounts can also be deactivated by toggling the Enabled switch to Disabled:


Confirm to deactivate by selecting Yes, deactivate:

Please note that bank accounts cannot be Disabled if there are payments in progress under the account.


The bank account will display as Disabled:


A Primary Account can be set by selecting Use as Primary.  Selecting a Primary Account streamlines the payment batch creation process.  This account will be automatically selected as the default for new payments.  Only one account can be set as the Primary Account:





Next Up: Configure Approvers and Custom Rules for payments via Approval Settings and Approval Policy.  To learn more, please visit:

Payments - Adding Approvers & Approval Policy Rules