Prendio Patch Notes (2023)

This is an overview of end-user focused bug fixes and enhancements for Prendio patch releases in the year 2023. The table for each patch contains this information:

  • The Prendio version that corresponds to the patch
  • The date of the patch release
  • The ID of the change
  • The change type
  • High level summary of what the change addresses


For information on patches released in the present year, see the main Prendio Patch Notes page.



2.62.0 19-Oct-23 PDEV-6335 Bug Life Technologies packing slip matched as Invoice by Auto Scan Match
PDEV-6117 Bug PO Summary Report Is Missing POs/Data
PDEV-6073 Bug Save Process Failed When Adjusting Quantity of Part line at the Cart
PDEV-4444 Enhancement Export PO data from Order History in AP Order Analysis report format


2.61.0 5-Oct-23 PDEV-6069 Bug Incorrect Segment Name Displayed in Popup
PDEV-6063 Bug Let's Align triggered Project Sync in a company Project not enabled
PDEV-6023 Bug Import Users feature activity is not captured in Prendio Account History
PDEV-5972 Bug Unexpected behavior with lines when editing confirmed PO and sending for reapproval


2.60.0 21-Sep-23 PDEV-6080 Bug Status search causing performance problem
PDEV-6079 Bug Cart Import inadvertently creates multiple reqs for one Supplier if it is a new Supplier
PDEV-5694 Bug No Reapproval Popup while entering unit price beyond tolerance and removing spot price
PDEV-5692 Bug Save Process Failed message is displayed after clicking on Spot Price input that causes invalid price sent for reapprove process
PDEV-5399 Bug AP user can match a scan upload or start Additional Funds Request after another user deletes file in separate session
PDEV-1424 Bug Oracle Fusion Unit Price Generation Logic Issue


2.59.1 13-Sep-23 PDEV-5735 Bug Proxy Packing Slip Tiles Not Appearing On Dashboard when the Invoice was created in Prendio via OCR/Auto Scan Match


2.59.0 7-Sep-23 PDEV-5834 Bug Invalid User tracked for User Audit Password Reset
PDEV-5833 Bug Certain subclasses not syncing over during QBO Integration
PDEV-5728 Bug When AP Push is triggered, popup doesn't close in Unpaid bills and the user is unable to do bill payment sync. 
PDEV-5599 Bug An approval Reminder, notification email is sent to a user many times, nearly every minute
PDEV-4972 Bug Slack notifications: Grammatical / spelling errors in notifications
PDEV-3852 Enhancement Location sync improvements for NetSuite


2.58.1 31-Aug-23 PDEV-5973 Bug User Audit Report: Incorrect users attributed to password resets prompted from login page


2.58.0 24-Aug-23 PDEV-5664 Bug Excessive save activity and UI lag when editing unconfirmed punchout PO with many lines
PDEV-5647 Bug Cart pricing is zeroing out when adjusting quantities
PDEV-5569 Bug Typo at the Scan Match page when entering an incorrect PO number
PDEV-5265 Bug Getting Re-approval popup, if clicking on "Email PO" Button for Punchout Successful Orders
PDEV-1299 Bug Two users matching different invoices at the same time for one company can generate duplicate Voucher Numbers
PDEV-90 Bug Apostrophes in PO notes fields add unwanted Backslashes
PDEV-5702 Enhancement Upload Receipt Performance Improvement
PDEV-5701 Enhancement Upload Receipt Performance Improvement
PDEV-4111 Enhancement Reminder emails for Proxy Packing Slip / Missing PO requests must clarify which requests are pending and have direct links
PDEV-3851 Enhancement Class sync improvements for NetSuite
PDEV-3850 Enhancement Project sync improvements for NetSuite


2.57.2 18-Aug-23 PDEV-5813 Bug Payment Terms sync fails for certain NetSuite companies
PDEV-5807 Bug User Import problem causing "Connection Problem While Authenticating Login" Error


2.57.1 11-Aug-23 PDEV-5749 Enhancement Add Column To the Buyer's Order Summary Report That Indicates the Unit of Measure


2.57.0 10-Aug-23 PDEV-5662 Bug Performance fix for Catalog search
PDEV-5627 Bug Prevent SSO User Updates from saving duplicate rows in database
PDEV-4751 Bug QBO Connector tokens for some companies stopped working on March 23, 2023
PDEV-4556 Bug Duplicate supplier appears for company and users unable to place orders with that supplier
PDEV-4547 Bug Requisition Approval window does not display all approval steps if one user is an approver for multiple segments
PDEV-2982 Bug Prendio does not send correct currency for bills with Oracle Fusion Connector
PDEV-392 Bug Payment details intermittently not retrieved from QBO, bills not displayed in Unpaid or Paid Bills tabs
PDEV-5749 Enhancement Add Column To the Buyer's Order Summary Report That Indicates the Unit of Measure
PDEV-5505 Enhancement Updated format for Supplier Introduction cards
PDEV-4442 Enhancement Update "Download Export File" for segments to "Export Segment File"
PDEV-4357 Enhancement Segments: Addition of an "Export All Segments File" button to report on all segment objects
PDEV-3847 Enhancement Performance improvement for NetSuite Supplier sync for mapping


2.56.0 27-Jul-23 PDEV-5585 Bug Exceptions while running sync payments in production
PDEV-5510 Bug Force Opened PO with a remaining amount of 0 missing from Open PO Summary, shows closed in other reports
PDEV-5482 Bug Performance fix for Scan pages
PDEV-5481 Bug Performance fix for reports
PDEV-5434 Bug After adding a line in certain PO, Re-Approval confirmation and Override history show incorrect amounts
PDEV-4534 Bug Voucher page and Voucher processing is slow, client with 600+ vouchers
PDEV-1322 Bug Renewing QBO connection renames Prendio Segment label for Department to "Class"
PDEV-5582 Enhancement Performance Improvement for PO emails
PDEV-5543 Enhancement Performance Improvement for PO editing
PDEV-5542 Enhancement Performance Improvement for Orders tables
PDEV-5055 Enhancement Auto-Requester / "I Will Place The Order" confirmation email must be stored in Internal Order Notes field
PDEV-3849 Enhancement Performance Improvement with GL Account sync for NetSuite


2.55.2 20-Jul-23 PDEV-5608 Bug Synchronization problem causes server load / outage situation


2.55.1 13-Jul-23 n/a Bug Reverted change that caused a problem with NetSuite bill payment checks


2.55.0 13-Jul-23 PDEV-5447 Bug Performance fix for Scan Match page
PDEV-5428 Bug Prendio NetSuite Bundle not correctly fetching Bill Payments when NetSuite is using the Integration
PDEV-5424 Bug Prendio NetSuite Bundle not correctly fetching Bill Payments when NetSuite is using the Bundle
PDEV-5350 Bug If two Buyers edit a PO at the same time, the Req/PO could be stuck with approval that references a BioProcure buyer
PDEV-5331 Bug New lines made with "Change to Service" button do not save to Confirmed PO based on Re-Approval Tolerance dollar amount
PDEV-4833 Bug Time Table Reports Data Discrepancy
PDEV-4719 Bug AutoScan Match: Vouchers created for duplicate invoices
PDEV-4501 Bug Bills with a Payment Status of "VOID" are not displaying in the Paid Bills tab
PDEV-4148 Bug Prendio NetSuite Connector not picking up paid bill statuses in certain situations
PDEV-4014 Bug Total Sales not displaying correctly for Supplier Account Setup in Catalog Manager
PDEV-3855 Enhancement Improve NetSuite Sync ERP performance for Terms
PDEV-3848 Enhancement Improve NetSuite Sync ERP performance for Department


2.54.1 6-Jul-23 PDEV-5472 Bug "I Will Place The Order" Reqs do not trigger the Auto Requester process if there is no approval required


2.54.0 29-Jun-23 PDEV-5250 Bug Error Message Being Received When Trying to Create an Enhanced Report
PDEV-5248 Bug Duplicate POs created when two Buyers at same company owned Reqs at the same time
PDEV-5238 Bug Peformance fix for report / table generation
PDEV-4578 Bug PO Status Stuck in "PO# is generated. Email is to be sent" for I will Place Orders
PDEV-4381 Bug Unable to use "+" for IdP Username in User Account Setup>Authentication


2.53.6 28-Jun-23 PDEV-5435 Bug Application slows down or stops responding due to storage service problem
PDEV-5418 Bug "PO already created" error when user attempts response to Proxy Packing Slip request based on cXML invoice


2.53.5 22-Jun-23 PDEV-5406 Bug MSBC / Dynamics Connector hangs when user pushes bill with AP Push bundle greater than ~ 250 KB


2.53.4 21-Jun-23 PDEV-5405 Bug Users see message "fail" when checking out of Eppendorf punchout


2.53.3 20-Jun-23 PDEV-5316 Bug Part lines from punchout orders cannot be converted to service from the Receipts page
PDEV-3132 Bug Closed PO Status is Not Displaying Consistently in Prendio


2.53.2 20-Jun-23 PDEV-5391 Bug
Fixes for styling / UI issues with the Analysis tab


2.53.1 17-Jun-23 PDEV-5396 Bug Prendio exception error after checking out of certain punchouts


2.53.0 15-Jun-23 PDEV-5133 Bug File names with invalid characters not attaching to QuickBooks Online bills
PDEV-4816 Bug Carts & Reqs created with null identifiers after using Legacy PO Import
PDEV-4808 Bug Scan Match: Invoice number is matched twice for the PO across different Vouchers
PDEV-4662 Bug Infinite loading indicator when using "Orders All" search to find an imported Legacy PO
PDEV-4619 Bug Files attachments are missing when using Override Approval button under Buyer > Orders tab
PDEV-1662 Bug Extended Price is displaying incorrectly for quantities 1,000 or more when clicking on the Receipt box
PDEV-4628 Enhancement Punchout cart should be saved in Prendio even if user needs to login to Prendio after checkout
PDEV-4356 Enhancement Improve performance of nightly NetSuite bill payment check job


2.52.2 8-Jun-23 PDEV-5305 Bug Staples punchout setup fails, users cannot start session


2.52.1 1-Jun-23 PDEV-5219 Bug New lines do not save to Confirmed PO if the line amount is under the PO Re-Approval Tolerance dollar amount setting


2.52.0 1-Jun-23 PDEV-4909 Bug Search results display incorrectly when search string ends with "and" or "ands"
PDEV-4781 Bug Additional Funds Request can start from Scan Match without an invoice number or invoice date
PDEV-4778 Bug Receiver & AP Scan | Multiple Orders Can Create a Scan with the Same PDF
PDEV-4742 Bug Auto response buttons in Slack show "something went wrong" message, Auto Reject does not work
PDEV-4470 Bug AP Order Analysis report is blank when using multiple suppliers in the filter
PDEV-5195 Enhancement Order querying performance improvement
PDEV-5119 Enhancement Allow Receiver users to convert a part line to a service line when processing a Receipt
PDEV-5070 Enhancement Add Segment Watcher and Approvers to User Audit Trail
PDEV-4722 Enhancement Peformance improvements for starting punchout sessions
PDEV-4305 Enhancement Option to Auto-Push Vouchers and Suppliers to NetSuite
PDEV-3346 Enhancement Dashboard tab: Display punchouts to always be sorted alphabetically


2.51.1 21-May-23 PDEV-5193 Bug Buyer cannot cancel / zero out an order if PO tolerance dollar amount is 0.00
PDEV-5190 Bug Incorrect roles displayed for users in the Admin > Users table
PDEV-5175 Bug Incorrect PO total displayed after Buyer makes a change and sends for re-approval
PDEV-5172 Bug Incorrect behavior when buyer changes a unit price in a confirmed PO


2.51.0 18-May-23 PDEV-5181 Bug Enhanced Reports: Scheduled Report Emails Are Not Being Received By Users
PDEV-5092 Bug Reverting Invoices generated using cXML does not show the thumbnail in Scan Match
PDEV-4901 Bug Diagnostic tracing for stuck status "PO# is generated. Email is to be sent" 
PDEV-391 Bug Tolerance settings not working as expected when editing PO
PDEV-3825 Enhancement Option to Auto-Push Vouchers and Suppliers to NetSuite
PDEV-2888 Enhancement Ability to import lines into Carts
PDEV-4199 Enhancement Ability to increase PO line unit price from voucher and send for re-approval
PDEV-4282 Enhancement Grey out Done, Okay to Pay if an Voucher is On Hold and still in the approval process


2.50.1 9-May-23 PDEV-5008 Bug Confirmed Date problem when PO is confirmed by way of Scan Match activity


2.50.0 7-May-23 PDEV-5004 Bug Prevent admin process from inadvertently assigning the Buyer role
PDEV-4922 Bug Non-ERP / Export: Bill Headers export does not have the same column order as the Bill Details export
PDEV-4631 Bug Error message does not show correctly when attempting to attach file over 30MB


2.49.1 24-Apr-23 PDEV-4980 Bug Blank page or infinite loading indicator after clicking link for catalog item page
PDEV-5007 Bug Analysis tab not working in Safari


2.49.0 23-Apr-23 PDEV-4298 Bug Populating Incorrect "Need By Date & Delivery Date" with Legacy PO Import if there is a Holiday
PDEV-3565 Bug Scan Match Export File is Showing up as Blank
PDEV-4577 Enhancement Carts performance improvements
PDEV-2689 Enhancement Tolerance setting descriptions updated for clarity


2.48.0 9-Apr-23 PDEV-4726 Bug Payment term for Legacy PO import saved as null
PDEV-4522 Bug Attachment problem causes PO View/Edit pages to show blank or have an infinite loading indicator
PDEV-4488 Bug Drop-down field for Custom segment in Cart has no scroll bar / overflow control
PDEV-4374 Bug Service Providers cannot see Primary and Secondary Administrator set by a company
PDEV-3903 Bug "Mark Vouchers as Pushed" action is unresponsive for Export (non-ERP) companies
PDEV-3032 Bug User status is showing incorrectly Address >> Users Tab
PDEV-2792 Bug Correct the order of segment columns in AP Push
PDEV-1779 Bug Using Tab key in cart after selecting a Prendio Managed/Connected supplier causes New Supplier elements to appear again
PDEV-1769 Bug Extra blank page included with Push Bundle PDFs
PDEV-3326 Enhancement Improve performance of manual NetSuite bill payment check


2.47.0 24-Mar-23 PDEV-4729 Bug Performance problem with order counts under Buyers tab
PDEV-4414 Bug Voucher export file is missing column that defines user for Missing Packing Slip and Missing PO requests
PDEV-4254 Bug "Auto Receive all Remaining" does not work when there are multiple pending Receipts for a PO


2.46.1 19-Mar-23 PDEV-4723 Bug Processes for Buyers tab causing system performance / responsiveness problems


2.46.0 9-Mar-23 PDEV-4632 Bug Watermark / stamp in PDF for Proxy Receipts is missing or in the wrong place
PDEV-4572 Bug Problem with line item changes after Approval Override
PDEV-4546 Bug Problem with attaching files larger than 10 MB to carts and POs
PDEV-4227 Bug Submit button for Additional Funds Request clicked twice, line added to PO multiple times
PDEV-4042 Bug Additional Funds Request response option allows multiple Submit button clicks


2.45.3 28-Feb-23 PDEV-4591 Bug Proxy receipt stamp placed in the wrong location or orientation for certain PDFs


2.45.2 27-Feb-23 PDEV-4586 Bug Error message when attaching non-PDF files to Carts / POs


2.45.1 25-Feb-23 PDEV-4584 Bug PDF conversion problem could impact system stability


2.45.0 23-Feb-23 PDEV-4318 Bug Buyers cannot access W-9 files for private suppliers via [Buyer > Suppliers]
PDEV-3622 Bug Service Provider - Companies Served Limits/Display Issue
PDEV-3119 Bug Reminder notifications and notifications to delegates show incorrect PO amounts
PDEV-2914 Bug Prendio Needs To Prevent Invalid PDFs and PDFs with security from being uploaded at Scan Upload
PDEV-4316 Enhancement Making Project an optional field for Import Legacy PO
PDEV-4214 Enhancement Prendio NetSuite Connector: Option to include GL Account numbers along with the GL Account name in ERP table
PDEV-4177 Enhancement PDF handling improvements for PDFs with a wider variety of formatting/publishing features


2.44.1 20-Feb-23 PDEV-4564 Bug ERP integration infrastructure fix
PDEV-4510 Bug Database infrastructure fix
PDEV-4187 Bug Occasional throttling / errors with QBO ERP Connector


2.44.0 9-Feb-23 PDEV-4201 Bug Active Location Segments In ERP List Are Showing As Inactive in the Prendio UI
PDEV-4200 Bug NetSuite Connector bill push transaction fix
PDEV-3596 Bug Login session fix


2.43.0 5-Feb-23 PDEV-4425 Bug Legacy PO Import fix
PDEV-4349 Bug UI Performance fix
PDEV-4333 Bug Enhanced Reports infrastructure fix
PDEV-3118 Bug Notification does not specific who started the PO Re-Approval or Additional Funds Request
PDEV-4338 Enhancement Legacy PO Import improvements
PDEV-4296 Enhancement Add Company ID column to Buyer's Order Summary report
PDEV-4229 Enhancement Cart submission improvements
PDEV-4030 Enhancement User admin improvements
PDEV-3791 Enhancement [ENHC-184] Columns in User Export for Confidential Orders and Order Placement checkboxes


2.42.0 25-Jan-23 PDEV-4268 Bug Current date is being considered as "past date" while importing holidays
PDEV-4260 Bug Approver able to delete order from Req page if order is changed to in Buyer Review 
PDEV-4223 Bug  User able to import same holiday dates successfully, creating duplicate entries.
PDEV-4152 Bug Screen flickering during holiday import
PDEV-4150 Bug Exit flow is not working, there is an Error Message while Saving import data
PDEV-3984 Bug Highest approver without a delegate not pulled into Approval Path when OOO
PDEV-2819 Bug Delegate for OOO approver is skipped with the wrong notification timing
PDEV-4134 Enhancement UI infrastructure update


2.41.1 23-Jan-23 PDEV-4352 Bug After Scan Match file processing completes, messaging does not go away


2.41.0 22-Jan-23 PDEV-4324 Bug Performance fix for certain cart activities
PDEV-4322 Bug Performance fix for certain dashboard activities
PDEV-4321 Bug Performance fix for certain Buyers tab activities
PDEV-4320 Bug Performance fix for certain AP / APM activities
PDEV-4299 Bug Performance fix for Scan Match
PDEV-4224 Bug Order History in Supplier Detail Not Displaying Orders Before 2023
PDEV-4183 Bug Holiday edit worflow fix
PDEV-4181 Bug Holiday order display fix
PDEV-4167 Bug Holiday save fix


2.40.0 12-Jan-23 PDEV-4184 Bug Fix to user access control for Projects
PDEV-3355 Bug Problem with Received Date certain lines on Open PO Detail Report
PDEV-4018 Enhancement Infrastructure updates


2.39.0 8-Jan-23 PDEV-4226 Bug PO number management fix for legacy Pos
PDEV-4153 Bug Oracle Fusion connectivity fix
PDEV-3959 Bug Column names in Open PO Details report unaligned when new segment is enabled
PDEV-3957 Bug Slow Loading Times When Viewing Order History
PDEV-3881 Bug QBO error while trying to acquire new access token from refresh token
PDEV-3613 Bug Clicking 'Clear Date' for OOO setting not working as expected
PDEV-3412 Bug Order Total and Extended Amounts updates when buyer changes the Qty
PDEV-3012 Bug Quiet Hours: Admins are able to set Start and End to the same time
PDEV-2988 Bug Problem Orders Tab is not showing correct Order Count
PDEV-1921 Bug Long PO Numbers Are Getting Cutoff in the PO PDF
PDEV-3002 Enhancement Add Column for Need By Date to the Open PO Detail Report