Processing a Buyer Order

Updated on April 29, 2024


When a user creates a cart, they have the option of selecting Buyer Will Place the Order as the Order Type indicating that they wish for the Buyer to submit the order on their behalf and work with the supplier to obtain an ETA for delivery:


Taking Ownership and Reviewing the PO

Processing an Order by Calling the Supplier

Processing an Order by Emailing the Supplier



Taking Ownership and Reviewing the PO

In the Buyers’ Queue, locate the Requisition Queue:


Buyer orders will be noted in the Type column.  To process a Buyer order, click on Own via the Actions column:


The next screen will display the PO details and Prendio assigns the order a PO number:



Check each line on the PO for any notes, special instructions, or attachments as this is information that will need to be relayed to the supplier:


Check the Need by date for delivery and if the delivery date is marked as Critical:


Placing an Order by Calling the Supplier

The order may be placed over the phone by calling the supplier, referencing the company name, the PO number, the user’s name for the Attention to line, notes or attachments added by the user, and any other details required by the supplier. Calling to place an order may be best for orders with part lines marked as Critical and need to be expedited.  Calling to place the order ensures that the supplier can check items for availability and can be delivered by a certain date.

Some suppliers do not allow orders to be placed over the phone and this will range from supplier to supplier. The supplier’s phone number may be seen in the top under the supplier name:


After placing an order by phone, update the Delivery date for each item as needed based on the ETA the supplier has provided. In the example below, the user requested for the order to be delivered by 05/06/2024 via the Need by field. The supplier confirmed that the item may be delivered sooner on 05/01/2024. The Delivery field is updated to 05/01/2024 to reflect this delivery date:


Once the Delivery date is updated for each item, update the Internal Order Notes on the bottom right (under the PO total) to indicate further progress/actions taken on the order:


The order may now be Marked Confirmed indicating that the order is complete:


A message appears at the top of the screen indicating the update was successful:


The user is re-directed to the Buyers' Queue. The order may be located via the Orders tab of the Buyer role if adjustments are needed (cancelling a part/service line, adding funds, etc):

Adjust the Date Range and search by PO number:


The user will receive an email indicating their order is confirmed by the supplier along with the delivery date:

Please note that if item(s) are backordered, update the delivery date to the date that the supplier has estimated the item(s) will be in stock for delivery.  Add Internal Order Notes indicating the backorder and Mark Confirmed when complete.  The Buyer may wish to send a separate email to the requester indicating the backorder in case the requester needs to make other arrangements.



Placing an Order by Emailing the PO to the Supplier

The order may also be emailed to the supplier for confirmation. Some suppliers require that a hard copy of the PO be emailed in order to place the order. Emailing a PO will also be the best option for service orders. To email a PO to a supplier directly from Prendio, select Email PO in the top right and select Supplier:


The Email PO to Supplier window will appear and the PO can be sent directly to the supplier (the supplier's email address is located in the Supplier Detail window after clicking on the Supplier Name on the top left of the PO page):


Another option is to email the PO to yourself and then forward the PO to the supplier outside of Prendio.  This allows the Buyer to have a record of the email, adjust the message of the email, and add other features such as a Read Receipt for the supplier.

Example of updating the recipient of the email to the Buyer's own email address:

After the email is received, the buyer can make adjustments before sending the PO to the supplier:


When ready, Send the PO.  Unlike Punchout or Requestor orders, a Buyer order will not automatically be marked as confirmed once the PO is emailed:

The buyer needs to wait for confirmation from the supplier that the PO is processed before the order can be Marked Confirmed.


After the PO has been submitted to the supplier via email, the Status of the order in the top right will change to Submitted to Supplier:


The Internal Order Notes on the bottom right of the page will also be updated with the contents of the email sent to the supplier.  Additional notes in this box may be added by the buyer to indicate actions taken on the PO:


After the PO is submitted to the supplier, it may take the supplier some time to be in touch with a confirmation of the order along with an ETA. The buyer may navigate out of the order by clicking on Buyer or Dashboard:


The PO will be saved in the My Reqs subtab of the Buyer role.  My Reqs holds all POs a buyer is waiting for supplier confirmation before they can be Marked Confirmed:


After the supplier confirms the order and provides an ETA for delivery, locate the order via My Reqs and select View (eyeball) in the Actions column:


Update the Delivery date for each item as needed based on the ETA the supplier has provided. In the example below, the user requested for the order to be delivered by 05/06/2024 via the Need by field. The supplier confirmed that the item may be delivered sooner on 05/02/2024. The Delivery field is updated to 05/02/2024 to reflect this delivery date:


Once the Delivery date is updated for each item, update the Internal Order Notes on the bottom to indicate further progress/actions taken on the order:


The order may now be Marked Confirmed indicating that the order is complete:


A message appears at the top of the screen indicating the update was successful:


The user is re-directed to the Buyers' Queue.  After an order is Mark Confirmed, it will no longer be in the My Reqs section of the Buyer role as the order is all set.  The order may be located via the Orders tab of the Buyer role if adjustments are needed (cancelling a part/service line, adding funds, etc):

Adjust the Date Range and search by PO number:



The user will receive an email indicating their order is confirmed by the supplier along with the delivery date:


Please note that if item(s) are backordered, update the delivery date to the date that the supplier has estimated the item(s) will be in stock for delivery.  Add Internal Order Notes indicating the backorder and Mark Confirmed when complete.  The Buyer may wish to send a separate email to the requester indicating the backorder in case the requester needs to make other arrangements.