Regarding the "2410" Error from QBO when Pushing Bills with Non-Home Currency

Announcement Date: September 6, 2022

Update: September 16, 2022

This document summarizes the currency and exchange rate problem being encountered by some Prendio companies utilizing QuickBooks Online (QBO) as an ERP.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience. Please create a technical support ticket with any any questions you have about the problem.



  • This problem only impacts companies that have "Multicurrency" enabled in QBO
  • This problem does not impact QuickBooks Desktop


Table of Contents



Problem Overview


Prendio companies receive this error when attempting to push bills to QBO with a currency other than what is the home currency in QBO:


Errorcode: 2410 The currency and exchange rate are required for transaction in foreign currency


This error started happening in early-to-mid August 2022. Based on analysis of the problem, the QBO Application Programing Interface (API) returns the error to an integrated application like Prendio if there is no exchange rate included with a non-home currency bill.

There have been no recent changes to the way Prendio uses the QBO API to create bills. Prendio has never sent an exchange rate, as the invoice has a specific amount regardless of the currency. Additionally, QBO has its own exchange rate settings that are likely preferred for the purpose of paying bills.

There is no communication to the Intuit Development Community about a change to the QBO API related to exchange rate. Intuit Support has not provided a clear answer on if this is a bug or intended change with the QBO API.



Prendio Approach to Resolving Problem


Starting on September 16, 2022, Prendio is sending an exchange rate value with any bill pushed to QBO. This change was made as a workaround to the problem with the QuickBooks Online API.

This change allows Prendio companies to push bills to QBO without experiencing the 2410 error, if the bill currency does not match the home currency in QBO. This change will not impact companies that do not have multicurrency enabled in QBO.



Workaround for Prendio Companies Using QBO


If you have a bill in Prendio that is a currency other than your QBO home currency, there are two options for handling them:

  1. Manually create the bill for the vendor in QBO. You can then take care of the voucher in Prendio with one of the steps mentioned further on in this section of the help doc.
  2. Request that the supplier resend in the invoice to you in the same currency as your QBO home currency. At that point, the purchase order and voucher can be updated to reflect that change. Note that this process could be more time consuming and some suppliers might not agree to send a converted invoice.


If you manually created an bill in QBO, you have two options for handling the corresponding voucher in the Prendio AP Push page:

  1. You can use the Selected Action Mark Vouchers as Pushed, which will move the vouchers to the Paid Bills tab without attempting a push to QBO
  2. You can use the Selected Action Push to ERP. If the bill in QBO was created with the same invoice # and under the same mapped QBO vendor, Prendio should find it as a "duplicate bill". It will then move the voucher to Unpaid Bills without pushing to QBO, and Prendio will occasionally check for bill payment status.