Passwords may be reset by the user or a Company Admin may send a reset link.
Users Resetting a Password on the Login Page
Admin Sending a User a Password Reset Link
Users Resetting a Password on the Login Page
A user can reset their password on the login screen. Start by adding in the login email address. Complete the required CAPTCHA and select Next:
Select Forgot my Password:
Complete the CAPTCHA and select Send:
Prendio will send an email with a link to reset the password:
Follow the link and add the new password. Prendio requires a password between eight to fifteen characters. Confirm the password and complete the CAPTCHA before selecting Sign In:
Admin Sending a User a Password Reset Link
A company Admin can send a user a password reset link. In the Users tab, find the user in the table and select Edit in the Action column. Once the User Account Setup window appears, find Authentication on the left and select Send password reset link:
The user will be sent an email with a link to change their password:
Other Notes and Exceptions
- If a user is still having issues with resetting a password, please ensure that the user’s account is not locked. Steps to unlock a user’s account and reset the OTP count can be found in the link below:
Unlocking the OTP Process for a Prendio User
- Please ensure that the user’s account status is Active. If the user’s account status is Draft, the initial email requesting that the user create a password to activate their account has not been sent. In the User Account Setup window, select Send Activation:
Once sent, the user’s account status will change to Pending indicating that the activation email has been sent. The user’s status will change to Active after completing the password requirement and log in to Prendio.
- Prendio requires a password to be a minimum of eight characters and maximum of fifteen characters.