Responding to an Approval Request

Updated on April 29, 2024



Responding to an Approval Request via the Notification Card on the Dashboard

Responding to an Approval Request via an Email Notification

Responding to an Approval Request by Manually looking up the Requisition Number

Approving vs Rejecting a Requisition

Skipping an Approver on the Approval Path

Orders that are submitted may need to be routed through approvals before the order may proceed. One or a combination of the following types of approvals may be needed for an order:

On Behalf of (when a Prendio User creates a Cart for another Prendio User)

Segment (if Approvers for segments such as Department, GL Account, Project, etc have been enabled at a company)

New Supplier (using a new supplier where a company does not have an account with payment terms set up)

Spending limit (placing an order that exceeds a user’s spending limit)

As an approver, the order needs to be reviewed and Approved or Rejected.


Responding to an Approval Request via the Notification Card on the Dashboard

If a requisition has been submitted and requires approval, a notification card will appear on the top left of the Dashboard:

Clicking on the Details of the notification card will show the order details and approval path on the next screen:

If the user included any attachments for the approver(s), they may be found in the approval window:


To view the order details, exit out of the approval window:


Attachments for the Supplier or Buyer may be found via Note to Supplier or Note to Buyer:


When ready to Approve or Reject the order, follow the link in the order status, Click for details to bring back the approval window:







Responding to an Approval Request via an Email Notification

For every requisition submitted that requires approval, the approver(s) on the approval path for the requisition will also receive an email notification along with the notification card on the Dashboard. The email displays all of the requisition details and an approver may make a decision regarding the requisition via the email:


Based on the details of the requisition in the email, an approver may follow one of the links above to Auto Approve, Review, or Reject the requisition in Prendio. (Please note that any attachments included for the requisition do not appear in the email. To check to see if the user included attachments for the requisition, it is best to Review in Prendio before approving or rejecting).



Responding to an Approval Request by Manually looking up the Requisition Number

An approver may also search for a requisition that requires their approval. In the search bar at the top of the Dashboard, change the default on the left from Catalog to Orders All. Search via the requisition number that requires approval:


Click on the Requisition number to show order details:


Follow the link Click for details to bring the approval window:




Approving vs Rejecting a Requisition

If the requisition is Approved, it will move on to the next approver in the approval path or if you are the only approver/last approver needed for the requisition, the order will proceed to be processed by a Buyer. The notification card then disappears from the Dashboard:


If the requisition is Rejected, the approver may indicate the rejection reason in the next window and then click on OK:


The status of the requisition is now Rejected with the rejection reason:


Once a requisition is rejected by one of the approvers on the approval path, it will not proceed further and the requisition stops. The user that submitted the order is notified by email and will receive a notification card on their Dashboard regarding the rejected requisition:


Notification on the Requester's Dashboard:


Since the requisition has stopped, the user will not be able to make adjustments to the rejected requisition, but they may submit a new cart with appropriate adjustments. To do this, the user may click on the Details of the notification card for the rejected requisition. Exit out of the Order History window:

In the top right, the user may now create a new cart with the original contents and make the appropriate adjustments:


New cart with original contents:


Update the new cart and Submit when complete:


The new cart (with adjustments) will be routed through approvals:


Skipping an Approver on the Approval Path

It may be necessary to skip approvers on the approval path. When skipping an approver, please seek guidance from your internal policies and procedures as these range from company to company.

A user that has submitted a requisition may skip the spending limit approvers in the approval path. To skip an approver on the approval path, locate the requisition via Orders All and typing in the requisition number in the search bar:


Once the requisition has been located, click on the requisition number to show the order details:


In the top right of the screen will be the status of the requisition. Click on the link Click for details following This requisition is in the approval process:

The approval window appears. Approvers may be skipped by clicking on the option to the right (Please note that only spending limit approvers may be skipped. Orders made on Behalf of another Prendio user, Segment approvers, the new supplier approver, and the top most approver in a requisition may not be skipped):


A reason for skipping an approver must be provided in the next window:


Once a reason has been provided, the approval window updates and skips to the next approver on the approval path.  A reason for the skip (by Requester) will also be shown: