Updating Accounting Segments on the PO Edit Page

After a PO is created, users with the Buyer role can update accounting segments on the PO Edit Page.

Please note that an order must have a PO number assigned before adjustments can be made.  POs in the approval process cannot be adjusted until clearing approvals.

Navigate to the Buyer role and select the Orders tab:


Complete a search for the correct PO using the Filter List:

If the PO cannot be located, please try expanding the Date Range and searching again.

After the correct PO is located, select Edit in the Actions column:


The PO Edit Page will appear with part and or services lines on the order:


Locate any lines where accounting segments require adjustments and update to the correct accounting segment:


Summarize any actions or changes made on the PO via Internal Order Notes located on the bottom right of the page:


As updates have been made to the PO which do not warrant sending the PO back for re-approval, users must submit for an Override to save changes.  Select Re-Approve:


Followed by Override:


Add a reason for the Override.  Submit when complete:


A brief success message will appear at the top of the PO Edit page indicating the Override is successful and updates have been saved:


Users can navigate out of the PO by selecting the Buyer role tab or back to their Dashboard.