User Audit Report

Users with Admin role will have access to the User Audit Report Report Dashboard to track changes to User accounts.

Updated on September 26, 2024


*Please note that changes will not appear immediately and are updated every five minutes.  Tracking in the User Audit Report goes back to 04/24/2023:


In User Audit Report, the timeframe for data can be selected via Event Date. Additional filters can be added to narrow down the search (Changed User, Changed By, and Event Type):


Once the search criteria has been selected, a table will display data regarding all active user accounts including any updates made to their accounts. The table also displays when a user has logged into their Prendio account and when they log out:


Users can check the Event Type column to track any changes made to a user’s account. This column also displays the time a user logs into their account:


A user’s original account details can be seen in the Original Properties column. Updates to an account can be seen in Properties Changed.

In the example below, a user’s approval limit was updated (Event Type) from $1,500,000 (Original Properties) to $2,000,000 (Properties Changed):


Below is a list of Event Types along with definitions:

ACCOUNT_INACTIVATED – A user account has been inactivated.

ACCOUNT_LOCKED – A user’s account has been locked due to too many unsuccessful attempts at login.

ACTIVATION_SENT – A new user account has been created and activation email sent.

APPROVAL_DELEGATE_CHANGED – The Approval Delegate for a user has been updated. An Approval Delegate reviews approval requests for a user if the user does not respond in a specific timeframe.

APPROVAL_LIMIT_CHANGED – The user’s Approval Limit has been updated.

APPROVAL_PATH_ADDED – An approver has been added to a user’s personal approval path.

APPROVAL_PATH_REMOVED - An approver from a user’s personal approval has been removed.

INTEREST_ADDED – A user interest has been added to their account. This can be maintained in the user’s own User Profile page.

LOG_IN – A user has logged in to their account.

LOG_OUT – A user has logged out of their account.

NEXT_APPROVER_UPDATED – A user’s Next Approver has been changed in their account.

OUT_OF_OFFICE_CHANGED – A user’s out of office dates has been updated.

PASSWORD_RESET_REQUESTED – A user has requested a password change to login to their account.

PASSWORD_UPDATED – A user has updated their password for login.

PROXY_DELEGATE_CHANGED – The proxy delegate for a user has been updated. A proxy delegate reviews proxy packing slip requests on behalf of the user if they are out of office.

ROLE_ADDED – A new role (Admin, Accounts Payable, AP Management, Buyer, Receiver, Reports) has been added for a user.

ROLE_REMOVED - A role (Admin, Accounts Payable, AP Management, Buyer, Receiver, Reports) has been removed for a user.

SEGMENT_ADDED_APPROVER – A user has been added as an approver for an accounting segment.

SEGMENT_ADDED_WATCHER - A user has been added as a watcher for an accounting segment.

SEGMENT_MEMBERSHIP_ADDED – The user is now a member of a new segment. The user can select this segment when creating a cart.

SEGMENT_MEMBERSHIP_REMOVED – The user was removed as a member of a segment. The user can no longer select this specific segment when creating a cart.

SEGMENT_REMOVED_APPROVER – A user has been removed as an approver from an accounting segment.

SEGMENT_REMOVED_WATCHER - A user has been removed as a watcher from an accounting segment.

SEGMENT_SET_USER_DEFAULT – A user’s default GL Account has been updated in their account. A default GL Account automatically populates when creating a cart.

SPEND_LIMIT_CHANGED – The user’s spend limit has been updated.

SUPPLIER_APPROVER_CHANGED – The New Supplier Approver at a company has been updated.

TEXT_MESSAGE_APPROVAL_REMINDER_CHANGED – A user’s preference to receive text message reminds for approvals has been updated (checked to receive text message reminders or unchecked to opt out of receiving text message reminders).

TEXT_MESSAGE_GOT_IT_CHANGED - A user’s preference to receive text message reminds for Got It notifications has been updated (checked to receive text message notifications or unchecked to opt out of receiving text message notifications).

USER_ADDED – A new user account has been created.

USER_DIRECT_PHONE_CHANGED – The direct phone number for a user has been updated.

USER_MOBILE_PHONE_CHANGED – The mobile number for a user has been updated.

USER_SSO_UPDATED – A user’s authentication method has been updated to login via SSO or Prendio authentication (email and password).

USER_TITLE_CHANGED – The user’s Title in their account has been updated. The Title is for internal reference.