Voucher Report

Details of Vouchers may be exported into a report via the Vouchers subtab of the Accounts Payable role.

These fields are included in the report:

Supplier, PO #, Requestor, PO Department, PO GL Account, PO Project, Voucher #, Invoice #, Invoice Date, Line#, Part#, Description, Qty Ordered, Unit Price, Qty Received, Amount Received, Tax, Freight, Currency, Total Amount Invoiced, Proxy Status, Proxy Requested, Proxy Response, Proxy Date, Voucher Notes


Navigate to the Accounts Payable role and select the Vouchers subtab:


Once in Vouchers, select to the left the vouchers to appear in the report:


Once the appropriate vouchers have been selected, click on Export to CSV:


Prendio will generate a spreadsheet available to view:



Definitions of Columns in the Voucher Report:

Tax – This column will only populate data if an amount for Tax was added on the Voucher.

Freight - This column will only populate data if an amount for Freight was added on the Voucher.

Total Amount Invoiced – The total amount of the invoice including any combined Tax or Freight amounts added via the Scan Match.

Proxy Status - If a proxy packing slip was requested for the PO, the a status will populate in this column. Columns that are blank indicate that a proxy packing slip was not requested for the PO.

Proxy Requested – The user that sent/submitted the proxy packing slip request. Note that this is different from the recipient of the proxy packing slip request.

Proxy Response – Indicates if the recipient of the proxy request responded or if a response is pending (Waiting).

Proxy Date – The date the recipient of the proxy requested responded.