Customizing and Adding Email Recipients to an “I Will Place the Order” cart

When creating a cart, you might want to deliver a PO directly to the supplier themselves by selecting “I Will Place the Order” for the Order Type field in the cart. When this order type is selected, Prendio sends the Requester an email with a PDF copy of the PO once the cart has been submitted.

You have the ability to adjust the email subject and add recipients to the PO notification. You can also customize the body of the email message.



1.) When creating a cart, select "I Will Place the Order" as the Order Type



2.) Add in any parts or services to the cart:



3.) Once the part or service lines are ready, indicate the supplier to be used for the order:


Note: The supplier must be listed in the Prendio database and must be a connected supplier for your company indicated by the checkmark with a circle to the left. For suppliers not connected to your company (no checkmark) or suppliers not found in the database, a PO will not automatically be sent to the Requester when the cart is submitted. A Buyer must review the order first, connect the supplier, and send the PO to the user once set.


4.) Once a connected supplier is selected, add in the appropriate information for the part or service lines including applicable part numbers, descriptions, units, pricing, quantity, segments, and necessary attachments:



5.) When ready, click the Submit Cart button. The approval window will appear. 


6.) Click Add Email Recipients to customize the email subject, message, and add additional recipients as needed. Multiple email recipients may be added and separated by a comma. (The Requester for the cart automatically receives an email with a PDF copy of the PO.)



Note: The From field in the email will not appear as this will always default to

If using a new supplier (no checkmark to the left or supplier not found in the database), users will not have the ability to add email recipients.


7.) The PDF copy of the PO as well as any attachments uploaded in the Attach for Supplier field of the cart appear below the body of the email:



8.) Once the appropriate adjustments have been made, click the Submit button:



9.) Once the cart is submitted, it might need to go through the necessary approvals. Once the Requisition clears approvals, or if approvals are not needed, the Requester and other recipients will receive an email with a PDF copy of the PO from