Dashboard Quick Start

The Dashboard is your home page in Prendio where you can create new carts and check on existing orders. Depending on the features enabled for the company account, the user can be alerted of approval delays, search company agreements, and track time spent on projects. Below is a quick intro to the most common Dashboard activities


Create Punchout Carts
Suppliers will make their web sites available for shopping through punchout. Click on their logo to launch their site and shop. Checkout from their site will create a Prendio cart ready for approval.  Click here for more info on Punchout.


Create Non-Punchout Carts
A non-punchout or custom cart is any cart that does not use the punchout process to define its contents. These carts can include parts (with part numbers) or services (no part numbers) and can be created for any supplier. Items added to the cart can come from Prendio's Catalog Search (top of Dashboard), from past orders:
or by manual entry:
New suppliers (not yet set up for your company) can be requested if your company account has that feature enabled.  Click here for more info on Custom Carts.
Search Catalog
Prendio's catalog includes part number items that your company has previously ordered as well as items ordered by your peers at similar biotech companies. Items found in the results can be added to an existing non-yet-submitted cart or to a new cart. If the item is available by punchout, a button to launch the supplier's punchout will be displayed. Click here for more info on Catalog Search.
Search Existing Orders
My Orders is a listing of your recent orders. To search past orders including orders placed by other users, click the "View All" links to the right on the My Orders section:
For more info on Searching Old Orders, click here. By clicking on the history of an order, you can view the related transactions including packing slips, invoices, and funds remaining on the order. View the original cart for the order to duplicate the cart to re-order  the same items in a new cart.
Announcement, Holidays and Support
Prendio and your Company Admin will provide periodic updates regarding company announcements, holidays including dates on which packages will not be received and options for Prendio self-help, requests and contacting your buyer to help you with existing orders.