Updated on December 03, 2024
Updates to the Scan Match and Vouchers in Accounts Payable allows users to resolve discrepancies on invoices without needing to reach out to another user for assistance. The Invoice Correction (Requires Correction) feature is also available to update pricing errors on an invoice. After a credit memo has been uploaded, it can be associated with an invoice to correct those discrepancies.
Please note that the Requires Correction option to attach a credit memo to a voucher feature requires Vendor Credits to be enabled at a company. These are currently available for clients with QuickBooks Online or NetSuite ERP integration utilizing the Prendio Connector. NetSuite clients who utilize a third party connector will likely be enabled at an ad hoc basis. Prendio will work to support remaining ERPs as we progress with this feature.
Processing a credit memo as its own transaction without attaching to an invoice is also available for clients with QuickBooks Online or NetSuite ERP integration. If users wish to process a credit memo as a standalone transaction, please visit: Vendor Credits
Processing an Invoice into a Voucher
Adding Additional Funds - Additional Funds Required
Updating the Unit Price on a Part Line - Update PO
Invoice Correction - Attaching a Credit to Correct an Invoice
Vouchers With a Rejected in Re-Approval Status
Processing an Invoice into a Voucher
After an invoice is uploaded and moves to the Scan Match, users can select the invoice and add in details:
There are two tabs for invoices in the Scan Match: Invoice and Credit Memo. Ensure that the correct tab is selected depending on the document type:
After a PO number is added, Prendio displays the supplier used for the PO and the amount remaining:
Complete the rest of the invoice details and select Done, Next:
The document will move from the Scan Match to the Vouchers tab:
The Vouchers tab will display a table of documents that have been uploaded in Scan Upload and details added in the Scan Match:
When viewing the table, note the Available Receipts column to see if a receipt has been created for the PO. Keep in mind that a user with the Receiver role must process a packing slip or proxy packing slip into a receipt before a voucher can be processed as this is part of the three way match. If this column indicates that there are No available receipts for the PO, the voucher cannot be processed:
A proxy packing slip is available (Proxy Complete); however, a receipt must be created from the proxy packing slip:
After a receipt is created from a packing slip or proxy packing slip, this will be reflected in the Available Receipts column. Each receipt will be numbered and users can view the receipt in a new window.
Receipt from an uploaded packing slip:
Receipt from a proxy packing slip:
Each document will be assigned a Voucher number:
The status for each voucher will likely be Pending indicating that it is waiting for a user to process the voucher once the three way match is complete:
If the document requires further action, the status of the voucher will vary depending on what is needed. A list of different status types and definitions can be found via this information button:
Voucher status definitions include:
Pending - Pending review by the AP user to make necessary adjustments to process the voucher.
Draft - Voucher edits have been intermediately saved using the Save as Draft button. Please note: As a result, voucher will not appear in PO history or Reports until it has been processed and sent to the AP Push.
Held - Voucher is in a hold status for the AP user to initiate a correction or for internal review.
Awaiting Correction - Voucher is marked as requiring a correction due to an invoice discrepancy. A partial credit memo should be attached to resolve this matter.
Awaiting Additional Funds - A request for additional funds has been sent to resolve an invoice discrepancy.
Awaiting PO Update - A request to increase the unit price for a part line or any remaining PO edits has been sent to resolve an invoice discrepancy.
Rejected in Reapproval - A request for additional funds or a unit price increase is denied. The AP user is prompted to resolve this matter internally.
In the Actions column, notes can be added to the voucher:
If notes have been added, the icon turns green:
If a user wishes to view a voucher or process the voucher after the three way match is complete, they can select View (eyeball) in the Actions column:
Please note that View will be available for all vouchers; however, if a receipt is not available, users will not be able to select Done, OK to Pay.
After selecting View, the next screen displays a copy of the uploaded invoice on the left and details from the PO and receipt on the right:
If a receipt is not available for the PO, No Receipt Available will be indicated on the voucher screen and users will not be able to select Done, OK to Pay to process the voucher and move to the AP Push:
If a user tries to select Done, OK to Pay when a receipt is not available, a message at the top of the screen appears:
When View is selected in the Actions column and a receipt is available, the receipt details will appear. Multiple receipts may be available for the same PO:
The voucher screen will also display two options aside from Done, OK to Pay: Save as Draft and Hold:
Save as Draft - This option replaces the Hold For In Dispute button. Saves as Draft places the voucher in a Draft status and allows for a user to update a voucher (select the correct receipt, add tax or freight) and save before it will be processed. Users can make adjustments to a voucher in Draft status as needed.
Hold - A Hold can be selected if the voucher requires an update or correction before further processing. Please note that if Prendio detects that the invoice amount is greater than the PO Amount Remaining, a popup message in the Scan Match gives users the opportunity to place the voucher on Hold.
After selecting Hold, additional options appear depending on the PO type (part or service). Options may also be greyed out depending on PO type:
Additional Funds Required - For service POs where additional funds are needed to increase the PO total in order to process an invoice. This option will be greyed out for POs containing part lines. If an invoice amount does NOT surpass the PO balance, this option will not be available.
Update PO - For part line POs where a Unit Price needs to be increased to match the pricing on an invoice. This option will be greyed out for POs containing service lines. If a receipt is not available, this option will be greyed out.
Requires Correction - The invoice has a pricing discrepancy. A credit memo must be uploaded and associated with the invoice to correct the discrepancy.
Please note that the Requires Correction option to attach a credit memo to a voucher feature is currently available for clients with QuickBooks Online or NetSuite ERP integration.
If the voucher does not require pricing adjustments or adjustments, users can process the voucher. Select the correct receipt(s) that matches the invoice:
After selecting the receipt(s), add any tax or freight reflected on the invoice:
Confirm that the Invoice Total in Prendio matches the total on the uploaded invoice. Confirm all details in Prendio match the invoice details. These include the Remit To address for the supplier, Invoice #, PO #, Invoice Date, and Terms:
Select Done, OK to Pay:
The voucher from Accounts Payable to the AP Push of AP Management. Users will be directed back to the Vouchers tab of Accounts Payable.
View a video of processing an invoice to a voucher below:
Adding Additional Funds
After an invoice is uploaded and moves to the Scan Match, users can select the invoice and add in details:
Select the Invoice tab:
After adding the PO number, Prendio will note the Amount remaining on the PO and the supplier:
Complete the rest of the invoice details:
If the Invoice Amount is greater than the amount remaining on the PO, a popup will appear indicating that there are insufficient funds on the PO. Please note that the same message appears for insufficient funds for POs containing part lines and service lines:
Users can select Yes to create the voucher and place on Hold until pricing discrepancies are resolved. Selecting No will return the user back to the Scan Match.
After a user selects Yes, the invoice moves to the Vouchers tab where it will be assigned a voucher number. The status of the voucher will be Held:
In the Actions column, notes can be added to the voucher:
If notes have been added, the icon turns green:
Users can select View (eyeball) to open the voucher and review details. Please keep in mind that View will be available for all vouchers even if a receipt has not been created for the PO:
The voucher details display on the next screen:
Prendio notes in the top of the uploaded invoice that the voucher is waiting for an update:
The voucher has already been placed on Hold from the Scan Match as the invoice total exceeds the PO amounting remaining. Users need to investigate to determine if the invoice pricing is correct before taking further action on the voucher. For service POs, if the user finds that funds are needed to increase the PO total to process the invoice, Additional Funds Required can be selected. Update PO will not be available for service POs:
After selecting Additional Funds Required, the Additional Funds Request Details window appears. The window notes the Invoice amount and the Funds Required to increase the PO total in order to process the invoice. Select Continue:
The next window displays all approvers required to approve the new PO Total. Please note that when sending a PO back through approvals, the approval is for the new PO amount and not just the difference required to increase the PO total.
Select Submit:
After sending the PO back through approvals, a message will appear at the top of the screen:
The original Requester of the PO will receive a request to review the new PO Total as well as a request to review/approve a proxy packing slip. Additional approval may be required.
The user will be directed back to the Vouchers tab. The status of the voucher updates to Awaiting Additional Funds:
Voucher notes are updated with details regarding the additional funds request:
After the PO clears approvals, the status of the voucher updates to Pending:
Users can View (eyeball) the voucher. On the voucher screen a copy of the uploaded invoice will appear on the left and details from the PO and receipt on the right:
If a receipt is not available for the PO, No Receipt Available will be indicated on the voucher screen and users will not be able to select Done, OK to Pay to process the voucher and move to the AP Push:
When an Additional Funds Request is sent to the original Requester of the PO, a proxy packing slip request is also sent to the Requester. After the requests are approved by the original requester and confirms the proxy packing slip, a user with the Receiver role must process the proxy packing slip into a receipt.
After a receipt has been created, the receipt number will be shown in Available Receipts of Vouchers:
The receipt will also be seen in the voucher view. A note will also be included to indicate that additional funds have been added to process the invoice:
Select the correct receipt(s) that matches the invoice:
After selecting the receipt(s), add any tax or freight reflected on the invoice:
Confirm that the Invoice Total in Prendio matches the total on the uploaded invoice. Confirm all details in Prendio match the invoice details. These include the Remit To address for the supplier, Invoice #, PO #, Invoice Date, and Terms:
Select Done, OK to Pay:
The voucher moves from Accounts Payable to the AP Push of AP Management. Users will be directed back to the Vouchers tab of Accounts Payable.
View a video of the additional funds process below:
Updating the Unit Price on a Part Line
After an invoice is uploaded and moves to the Scan Match, users can select the invoice and add in details:
Select the Invoice tab:
After adding the PO number, Prendio will note the Amount remaining on the PO and the supplier:
Complete the rest of the invoice details:
If the invoice total is greater than the amount remaining on the PO, a popup will appear indicating that there are insufficient funds on the PO. Please note that the same message appears for insufficient funds for POs containing part lines and service lines:
Users can select Yes to create the voucher and place on Hold until pricing discrepancies are resolved. Selecting No will return the user back to the Scan Match.
After a user selects Yes, the invoice moves to the Vouchers tab where it will be assigned a voucher number. The status of the voucher will be Held:
In the Actions column, notes can be added to the voucher:
If notes have been added, the icon turns green:
Users can select View (eyeball) to open the voucher and review details. Please keep in mind that View will be available for all vouchers even if a receipt has not been created for the PO:
The voucher details display on the next screen:
Prendio notes in the top of the uploaded invoice that the voucher is waiting for an update:
If a voucher does not have a receipt, No Receipt Available will appear:
If a receipt is ready for the PO, the details appear with the areas greyed out preventing the user from making pricing adjustments:
The voucher has already been placed on Hold from the Scan Match as the invoice total exceeds the PO amounting remaining. Users need to investigate to determine if the invoice pricing is correct before taking further action on the voucher. For POs containing part lines, if the user finds that the Unit Price of one or more part lines need to be increased in order to process the invoice, Update PO can be selected. Additional Funds Required will not be available for POs containing part lines:
Please also note that Update PO will be greyed out until a receipt has been processed for the PO. If there are no available receipts for the PO, this option will not be available:
After selecting Update PO, a pop up message appears informing the user to make an update to the Unit Price followed by Done, OK to Pay:
Select Continue to return back to the Voucher screen. The fields will no longer be greyed out and users can update the Unit Price:
Select the correct receipt(s) that match the invoice. Identify the line(s) that require a price increase and edit the Unit Price to match the invoice pricing:
Select Done, OK to Pay:
A pop up message will appear requiring that the PO be sent through approvals to confirm the new Unit Price. Select OK:
Add a Re-Approve reason and Submit:
The next window displays all approvers required to approve the new PO Total. Please note that when sending a PO back through approvals, the approval is for the new PO amount and not just the difference required to increase the PO total.
Select Submit:
After sending the PO back through approvals, a message will appear at the top of the screen:
The user will be directed back to the Vouchers tab. The status of the voucher updates to Awaiting PO Update:
After the PO clears approvals, the status of the voucher updates to Pending:
Users can View (eyeball) the voucher to process the voucher. The receipt will contain the updated Unit Price:
Select the correct receipt(s) that matches the invoice:
After selecting the receipt(s), add any tax or freight reflected on the invoice:
Confirm that the Invoice Total in Prendio matches the total on the uploaded invoice. Confirm all details in Prendio match the invoice details. These include the Remit To address for the supplier, Invoice #, PO #, Invoice Date, and Terms:
Select Done, OK to Pay:
The voucher from Accounts Payable to the AP Push of AP Management. Users will be directed back to the Vouchers tab of Accounts Payable.
View a video of Updating a Unit Price below:
Invoice Correction
Please note that the Requires Correction option to attach a credit memo to a voucher feature is currently available for clients with QuickBooks Online or NetSuite ERP integration.
After an invoice is uploaded and moves to the Scan Match, users can select the invoice and add in details:
Select the Invoice tab:
After adding the PO number, Prendio will note the Amount remaining on the PO and the supplier:
Complete the rest of the invoice details:
If the Invoice Amount is greater than the amount remaining on the PO, a popup will appear indicating that there are insufficient funds on the PO. Please note that the same message appears for insufficient funds for POs containing part lines and service lines:
Users can select Yes to create the voucher and place on Hold until pricing discrepancies are resolved. Selecting No will return the user back to the Scan Match.
After a user selects Yes, the invoice moves to the Vouchers tab where it will be assigned a voucher number. The status of the voucher will be Held:
In the Actions column, notes can be added to the voucher:
If notes have been added, the icon turns green:
Users can select View (eyeball) to open the voucher and review details. Please keep in mind that View will be available for all vouchers even if a receipt has not been created for the PO:
The voucher details display on the next screen. Prendio notes in the top of the uploaded invoice that the voucher is waiting for an update:
If a voucher does not have a receipt, No Receipt Available will appear:
The voucher has already been placed on Hold from the Scan Match as the invoice total exceeds the PO amounting remaining. Users need to investigate to determine if the invoice quantity or pricing is correct before taking further action on the voucher. If the user finds that the invoice quantity or pricing is incorrect and the supplier has provided a credit memo to be attached to correct the discrepancies, users can select Requires Correction:
After Requires Correction is selected, a pop up message indicates that the voucher will not be editable until a credit memo is attached. Select Continue:
The user will be directed back to the Vouchers tab. The status of the voucher updates to Awaiting Correction:
If a user tries to view a voucher with an Awaiting Correction status, all areas will be greyed out. The user will see a note that the voucher is waiting for correction:
When a credit memo is available, upload the credit memo via Scan Upload. The credit memo will move to the Scan Match where details can be completed.
Select the credit memo:
Select the Credit Memo tab in the Scan Match:
Complete the fields for the credit memo. After adding a PO number, Prendio notes the PO Amount Remaining and Supplier:
Select the box indicating that the credit will adjust an existing invoice that requires a correction:
Select the invoice the credit memo will be associated with followed by Done, Next when complete:
Since the credit memo is associated with an existing invoice in Prendio, it will not be reflected as its own entity/transaction in the Vouchers tab. The credit memo will be a part of the voucher to correct the invoice.
In the Vouchers tab, search for the correct voucher. After the credit memo has been uploaded and attached to the correct invoice, the status of the voucher updates from Awaiting Correction to Pending:
Users can select View (eyeball) to process the voucher:
On the voucher screen, a note will indicate that a credit memo is attached. Users can also view the credit memo scan in a new window:
If there are no available receipts available for the PO, Prendio will note this in the receipt area. The user will need to wait for a receipt to be processed before processing the voucher:
If a receipt(s) is available, select the correct receipt(s) that matches the invoice:
After selecting the receipt(s), add any tax or freight reflected on the invoice:
Any credits will be noted via Credits Applied in red as a negative value:
Due to the credit applied, the invoice total in Prendio will appear as short paying the original invoice amount. Users can process the invoice at its corrected amount.
Confirm all details in Prendio match the invoice details. These include the Remit To address for the supplier, Invoice #, PO #, Invoice Date, and Terms:
Select Done, OK to Pay:
The voucher from Accounts Payable to the AP Push of AP Management. Users will be directed back to the Vouchers tab of Accounts Payable.
View a video of attaching a credit memo to an invoice below:
Vouchers With a Rejected in Re-Approval Status
Vouchers that are sent through re-approvals due to a unit price increase or additional funds require the necessary approvers to approve the new PO total. If an approver on the approval path rejects the changes, the status of the voucher updates to Rejected in Re-Approval:
If a user tries to view the voucher, the fields on the next screen will be greyed out preventing the user from making any adjustments. A note will indicate that the PO has been rejected:
POs that have been rejected after submitting through re-approval must be reviewed by a user with the Buyer role. Users can reach out to a Buyer to remove the PO from the Problem Orders Queue and discuss additional steps required.
In the Buyer role, a PO that has been rejected in re-approvals appears in the Problem Orders Queue:
For additional details about this process, please visit: Removing a Rejected in Re-Approval PO from the Problem Order Queue
After a Buyer has removed the PO from Problem Orders, the voucher status updates to Pending:
Users can select View (eyeball) to process the voucher:
Users need to investigate to determine if the invoice quantity or pricing is correct before taking further action on the voucher. Users can select Hold:
For service POs, if users find that a different amount for additional funds is required, Additional Funds Required can be selected:
Navigate back to the Adding Additional Funds section for further instructions.
If a PO containing parts requires a different Unit Price, Update PO can be selected:
Navigate back to the Updating the Unit Price on a Part Line section for further instructions.
If the invoice contains discrepancies and a credit memo will be attached to correct the discrepancies, select Requires Correction:
Navigate back to the Invoice Correction section for further instructions.