Open PO Detail Report

This report provides line-by-line details on Purchase Orders open for your company.

Updated on September 06, 2024


Fields available in this report:

PO Number, Supplier, PO Confirmed Date, Need By, ETA, Line, Part #, Description, Unit Price, Currency, Qty/Amt, Qty Remaining, Line Amount Remaining, Requestor, Buyer, Shopping Cart No, Req, Department, Project, GL Account, Total, Critical Order (Y/N), Received Date, Cart Status, Order Status, Terms


AP Management > Reports


Buyer > Reports


Reports Role


The Open PO Detail report is available from the Reports pulldown menu:


Users can select if POs in Re-Approval or Unconfirmed POs should appear in the report:


Selecting the Email Report button will email the report to you when it is complete.

Note: When "Email Report" is clicked, this button will be grayed out while the request is processed.


Click the Status Check button to monitor the progress of the request and download the report when complete.  Reports can be downloaded via Status Check if there is a delay in receiving the report via email:


The Status of the request will display in this window.  Refresh can be clicked to update the status of the request:


Users can Download the results when complete:


Email Results

The report will also be delivered to the user to their email.  A link will be available to download containing the report:



Order Status
The Order Status column will note if a PO is in an unconfirmed status or if a PO was routed through re-approval.
Req in Approval - The order has been submitted and currently in approval or re-approval if additional funds have been added.
Req in Buyers' Queue - The order is waiting for a user with the Buyer role to process the order.
Req in Buyer Review - A Buyer is reviewing the order before submitting to the supplier or sending a user a PDF copy of the PO.
Submitted to Supplier - A Buyer has submitted the PO to the supplier on behalf of the Requestor (common for Buyer Will Place the Order types).  After the supplier confirms the order along with an ETA for delivery, the Buyer will mark the PO as Confirmed.
Additional details can be viewed in the Requisitions section of the Analysis Tab.  For more information, please visit: