Requisitions Dashboard

All users in Prendio have the Requester role which allows users to create orders and approve orders as needed. In the Analysis Tab, Requesters have access to view the Requisitions Report Dashboard

In Requisitions, a view will display Order Status. The timeframe for data can be selected via Req Created Date. Additional filters can be added to narrow down the search (Supplier(s)Requestor, and Order Status):


Depending on the search criteria, the amount of Total OrdersOrders Pending Approval, and Orders in Buyer/Supplier Processing will also display:

Once the search criteria has been selected, the first table shown is All Orders. This view displays all orders placed within the specified search criteria. Users can check the Status column to see where an order may be in the order process:


Details regarding the different Order Status types can be found via:

Order Status Explained (


The second table, Orders Pending Approval, will display any orders that are in the approval process:


These orders will also appear in the first view, All Orders, with the same status.

Req in Approval orders From the All Orders view:


Orders awaiting approval will indicate which approver the order is currently waiting for review. It will also indicate the amount of time the order has been waiting for a response from the approver:

The third table is Orders in Buyer/Supplier Processing. This view shows any orders that have cleared approvals, but are not in a Confirmed by Supplier or Punchout Successful status. These orders are currently awaiting a user with the Buyer role to process the order or a Buyer may be actively working on the order:


 Orders in the Orders in Buyer/Supplier Processing view can also be found in the first table, All Orders:


The final view will be the Top Suppliers used for the orders:


Suppliers will be referenced in the chart by percentage and the amount (total price) spent with each supplier: