Payments - Submitting a Payment Batch & Push to an ERP System

Updated on February 12, 2025


After an application has been approved and configuration settings have been added via Payment Settings, users with the Payer role can process payments for the company via Unpaid Bills.

If interested in enabling Payments, please contact

To view details regarding Application and bank account setup along with approval settings, please visit:

Payments - Application & Setup

Payments - Adding Approvers & Approval Policy Rules


Submitting a Payment Batch

Responding to a Payment Batch Approval

Payment Batches That Are Rejected by an Approver

Push to an ERP System

Payments in Paid Bills Tab


Submitting a Payment Batch

After a user with the AP Management role pushes a voucher to an ERP system, the voucher moves from the AP Push to Unpaid Bills. These invoices will also exist in the company’s ERP system. Users with the Payer role can process payment batches to suppliers in Unpaid Bills.

Please note that users must have the Payer role in order to process payments.


Users can apply filters to search for specific vouchers:


The Status dropdown can be used to filter vouchers based on payment status:


If any filters have been selected, click on Apply Filters and Search:


Users can select the vouchers to be paid in a batch by checking the box to the left of each voucher:

If Credit Memos are included in the batch, these will net out the payment amount:


Vouchers from multiple suppliers can be selected for the same payment batch:


After selecting the vouchers to be included in the payment batch, select Items Actions followed by Prepare Batch:

Other options listed in Items Actions include:

Request Bill Payments - If vouchers have been pushed to an ERP system and paid, users can select the vouchers in Unpaid Bills followed by Request Bill Payments.  Prendio will detect that the vouchers have been paid and move the vouchers from Unpaid Bills to Paid Bills.

Revert Selected Items - If a voucher requires adjustments, users can select the voucher(s) followed by Revert Selected Items.  The voucher will move out of Unpaid Bills back to the AP Push (the voucher can be reverted in AP Push back to Vouchers > Accounts Payable as needed).


Once Prepare Batch is selected, users will be directed from Unpaid Bills to the Batch Details tab:


A batch creation screen will appear with the vouchers selected in Unpaid Bills:


Each payment batch will be assigned a batch number.  The top of the screen will also indicate the Total BillsTotal Invoice Amount (includes Tax & Freight)Total Credit AmountTotal Payment Amount (nets out any Credits.  Includes Tax & Freight), and Suppliers used for each voucher:


The Primary Bank Account will be defaulted for the payment batch:

If multiple bank accounts are available, users can update the account being used:


If vouchers contain multiple suppliers, vouchers using the same supplier will be grouped together.  The first line (Multiple) will indicate the total amount due to the supplier via Payment Amount:

Subsequent lines will note each individual bill or credit:


The Payment Amount will always be defaulted to the amount on the Document Amount (invoice including any tax or freight) in order the pay the voucher in full:


If users wish to make a partial payment on a voucher, the Payment Amount can be adjusted:


After the Payment Amount is adjusted, the Remaining Amount will update and the status of the voucher will note that it is Partially Paid after the payment is fully processed:


Vouchers can be removed from a payment batch using the delete option in the Actions column:


Payment batches can also be saved as Draft in case users need to come back to the payment at a later time:


After any adjustments have been made, users can submit the batch for approval:


An approval window displaying all approvers required to review the payment batch will appear. Select Submit:


After submitting for approval, a message will appear at the top right of the screen indicating that the batch was successfully created and in approval for review:


The status of the payment batch will update to Pending Approval:


To track the approval of a payment batch, users can select View in the Actions column of the batch:


The next screen will list all of the vouchers submitted in the batch under Batch Detailed View:


Users can select Batch Approval Path to track the progress of approval:


If the approval for a payment batch needs to be restarted, users can select Restart Approval (Approvals may require a restart if changes have been made in Approval Settings or Approval Policy):





Responding to a Payment Batch Approval


Please note that any Payment Approvers also assigned the Payer role to submit payment batches cannot approve their own payment batches.

Approvers for a payment batch will receive a notification on their Dashboard:


Along with a corresponding email:


When an Approver reviews a payment batch, details will be displayed:


Approvers can decide if they Approve or Reject. Please note that Approvers cannot edit any of the payments or remove any bills from the payment batch:

If the payment batch is Rejected, users can resubmit after making the necessary adjustments.


When an Approver selects Approve, a window will appear asking for Approval Notes (optional). Select Approve when complete:


After a payment batch has been successfully approved, a notification will appear at the top right of the screen for the approver:

*Additional approvers may be required depending on settings set in Approval Policy for custom rules.

After a payment batch clears approvals, the details moves to the payment partner where the batch will be processed and submitted to the supplier.


If an Approver rejects a payment batch, a reason must be added before selecting Reject:






Payment Batches That Are Rejected by an Approver

When a Payment Approver rejects a payment batch, a reason must be included before submitting.  After a payment is rejected, the original payer of the payment will receive an email notification with the Rejection Notes:


The original payer can login to their account.  On the Dashboard will be a notification card for the rejected payment batch:


The original payer can select Details on the notification card to open the payment batch on the next screen:


Users can delete the payment batch via the Actions column if needed:


Or users have the ability to make adjustments on the payment batch and Re-submit for Approval (users can also Save as Draft if unsure about adjustments):




Push to an ERP System

Once a payment batch clears approvals, users can view the batch in Unpaid Bills:


The status will be Payment in Progress as the payment partner, finalizes payment to the supplier(s):


 In Batch Details, the Status of the payment batch updates to Batch in Progress:


Eventually after a payment batch is complete, the status will update to Batch Completed:


The batch will also appear under the Payment Details tab:


The status of the payments in Payment Details will be Payment Completed. They have not yet been pushed to an ERP system yet and the ERP Status will note this as Not Pushed:


Prendio will automatically push payment transactions to the ERP system. After the payment is pushed, the ERP Status will update to Pushed:


If the status is Payment Completed but the ERP Status is Failed, users can view the error by hovering over the Failed ERP Status:


If any of the transactions have Failed, users can select the transaction on the left:


Followed by Retry ERP Push:






Payments in Paid Bills Tab

The next time a user completes an AP Push, Prendio will detect that the vouchers are paid will move them to the Paid Bills tab:


Users can also return to Unpaid Bills to Request Bill Payments update for the vouchers paid.

In Unpaid Bills, select the vouchers that have been paid:


Followed by Items Actions and Request Bill Payments:


An Update Payment Status window will appear.  Select Yes, Continue to update:


The Request Bill Payments window will appear for Prendio connect with the ERP system.  The window will automatically close when complete:


After the update is complete, Prendio will update the paid vouchers and move to Paid Bills:


In the Payment column, users can see a voucher is Fully Paid.  The Payment Approver that approved the payment will also be noted:


To determine if a voucher is Partially Paid, users can compare the amount in the Document Total column vs the amount in Payment column.

In the example below, the Document Total is $850; however, a partial payment of $400 was made on the voucher reflected in the Payment column:


Please note that any Partially Paid bills can be found in Unpaid Bills:


After Partially Paid invoices have been fully paid, these will leave the Unpaid Bills tab.