Updating the Supplier in a PO

The supplier in a PO can be changed by a user with the Buyer role.

Navigate to the Buyer role and find the Orders tab:


Search for the appropriate order via the filter list:


If no results appear after completing a search, adjust the Date Range and try another search:


Once the correct PO is located, click on Edit in the Actions column:


The PO Edit page will display on the next screen.  Locate the supplier located on the top left:


Click on the supplier name to open the Supplier Detail window.

(Please note that if users are unable to click on the supplier name, a receipt most likely has been applied to the PO to prepare the order for payment. In this situation, the receipt must be removed by a user with the Receiver, Accounts Payable, or AP Management role(s) before the supplier can be updated. For more information, please visit: Removing a Receipt in Order to Make Adjustments to the PO (prendio.com).


In the Supplier Detail window, locate the supplier name in the top left:


Delete the supplier name:


After the original supplier name has been deleted, complete a search for the correct supplier name and select once found:


Confirm that this is the correct supplier:


Details for the correct supplier will appear including the remit address and W-9:


Save once complete and Exit out of the Supplier Detail window.  The PO will now reflect the new supplier:


A PDF copy of the PO with the new supplier can be found by selecting View PO/PDF: