Uploading a W-9 in a Cart

Updated on May 3, 2024

Users have the ability to upload and attach a W-9 in a cart for new suppliers. This functionality is designed to streamline the Buyer's workflow, and enable them to efficiently connect Suppliers to the company. Moreover, including the W-9 form expedites the invoice processing procedure, ensuring smoother transaction.

From the Dashboard, users can create a Manual Cart if the supplier they wish to use does not have a punchout available or if a service is needed.  Locate My Carts and select +Cart:


For more information about creating a manual cart, please visit: Creating an Order with a Manual or Custom Cart


After a new cart is created, complete the top fields and update as needed:


Add a Part or Service line for the cart (multiple part or service lines can be added):


In the Supplier field start searching for the supplier:


When search results do not appear for the supplier, this indicated a new supplier being added to Prendio and the W-9 will be required. If users have the supplier’s W-9, the document can be attached to expedite the order.  A website or email address will also be required for the supplier:


If the supplier’s W-9 is not available, add the supplier's website or email address and select Request Supplier. After the cart is submitted, a user with the Buyer role can reach out to the supplier for the W-9 and attach for the supplier.  Please note that until the W-9 is obtained, the order or any urgent invoices for the supplier cannot be processed.


After the supplier’s website or email address is added and a W-9 attached if available, Select Request Supplier:


The supplier details can also be adjusted (name, website, email address, W-9 attachment) as needed.  After making the updates, select Update Supplier to save changes:


After the cart contents have been updated, Submit Cart on the bottom right:


The cart will be routed through approvals as needed. A Buyer will do a final review before connecting the supplier to the company and processing the PO. If a W-9 was attached to the cart, the Buyer will see this in the Supplier Detail window for the supplier: