Create Receipts

Create a Receipt for a matched packing slip

Updated on May 31, 2024



Adding in Details of the Packing Slip in Scan Match

Receipts Homepage

Edit a Receipt

Converting a Part Line to a Service Line

Special Cases

Order History After A Packing Slip And Receipt Were Processed





Note: Functionality covered in this article is available to the Receiver role. See your admin to assign roles.


Matching items and services received to what was ordered is the first step in 3-way matching (Purchase Order = Packing Slip = Invoice) and is a critical piece of a procure-to-pay workflow.

The Prendio Receipt is the artifact of that (=) effort; accurate accounting of the goods and services received as well as goods and services remaining "open" for future receipt on a specific Purchase Order.



Adding in Details of the Packing Slip in Scan Match
To create a receipt, must be uploaded to Prendio. For more information about how packing slips can be uploaded and matched, please visit: Scan Upload and Scan Upload Email.
Most packing slips will be scanned into Prendio and assigned to the PO during the Scan Match Process.
Please note that if areas in the Scan Match are greyed out, a service provider handles the company's Receiver and AP services.  Users have view only access to keep track of the service provider processing packing slips into Receipts.  Some users do not have access to the Scan Match.  If users need access to Scan Match, another user with the Admin role can grant the user Confidential Order permissions for access.


In Scan Match, the number of scans to review appears as thumbnails at the top.  If there are many scans to review, arrows will display to advance forward and back:


When a thumbnail is selected, it will display in a larger view:


After selecting a packing slip, the Received Date and PO# fields are used when processing a Packing Slip to be matched to a PO.  Once complete, select Done, Next:

The packing slips leaves the Scan Match to the Receipts tab for further review.

The Scan Notes field can be used to add a note to the Packing Slip to indicate if more information is needed before the packing slip can be processed:

Documents at the top of the Scan Match with Scan Notes will have an icon in the top right of the thumbnail:






Receipts Homepage

After details of a packing slip are added in the Scan Match, they move to Receipts.  Users can process Scanned Packing Slips or Proxy Packing Slips into Receipts:


The total Number of Receipts to be processes is listed at the top:


The Filter field can be used to search for data in this window and the Refresh button is used to clear the filter and display all receipts:


The CompanySupplierPO #Receipt #Date Items RecdReceipt Status, and Notes columns can be sorted using the Arrowhead icons:

Clicking on the link in the PO # column will display the PO in another browser tab:


Packing Slips that have not been processed into a receipt will appear as N/A in the Receipt # column and Scanned as the Receipt Status:


In some cases, there will be no packing slip on file. This is typical for service purchase orders. It is also the case if a packing slip is missing. In these cases, a user with the Accounts Payable role can request a Proxy Packing Slip, the completed proxy packing slip will appear as a link (Proxy on file) in the Receipt # column:
Clicking on the link (Proxy on file) allows the user to view the proxy packing slip history in a new window:
A proxy packing slip is created after the original requester reviews the invoice and confirm or clarify what was actually received. In these cases, a copy of the scanned invoice is watermarked and filed as a proxy packing slip:


In the Actions column, select the View (eyeball) icon to view a Scanned Packing Slip and create the receipt. The Trash Can icon can be used to delete a Scanned Packing Slip or Receipt.  Deleting a Scanned Packing Slip or Receipt will send the document back to the Scan Match:


Edit a Receipt

After selecting View (eyeball), the next screen will display the packing slip or proxy packing slip on the left and details of lines from the PO on the right:

Each line of the original order is represented on the right along with the following. Lines from previous receipts are also listed (in grey) for information purposes only.

  • Qty Ordered (on the original Purchase Order)
  • Qty Remaining (after previous receipts are taken into account)
  • Qty Received (this receipt)
  • Date Received (this receipt) - used to track supplier delivery performance
  • Close Line (checkbox) - allows for exceptional situations in which receiving fewer than what is remaining open on the order should be considered the final receipt. No more items will be received. Example - a few less than a large number of custom widgets are manufactured and delivered. According to your agreement, you have allowed for this and no more widgets will be delivered. You want to close the line and consider it complete.

Service lines appear similar but display the "Amount" ($) ordered for both remaining and received.


Note the part or service lines listed on the packing slip/proxy packing slip on the left.  Add in the Qty Received or amount (pricing) Received on the right.  Ensure that the Qty or Amount added matches the packing slip.  It is possible that lines may not be fully received (Qty Remaining 0 or Remaining 0).  Lines that are not fully Received/Closed will have future packing slips/proxy packing slips processed against the PO and will have multiple receipts.
Examples of receiving Qty for part lines
The packing slip indicates a Qty 1 delivered for the item and this Qty is added in the Qty Received field.  Since the line is fulfilled (Qty Remaining is 0), Prendio automatically closes the line (Close Line checked):

The packing slip indicates a Qty 2 delivered for the item and this Qty is entered in the Qty Received field.  The Qty Remaining for the line is 1 indicating that this will be expected in a future delivery/packing slip.  The line is left open for the future packing slip/Receipt:


Example of receiving an amount (pricing) for a service line:
The proxy packing slip indicates the service total is $5,979 amount is added in the Received field.  Since the line is fulfilled  (Remaining is 0), Prendio automatically closes the line (Close Line checked):
The proxy packing slip indicates that the service total is $2,500 and this amount is added in the Received field.  The Remaining amount on the PO is $7,500 indicating that future services will be expected.  The line is left open for the future proxy packing slip/Receipt:
If there are lines that are not reflected on the packing slip/proxy packing slip, leave the Qty Received/Received field blank.  After the line is fulfilled and a packing slip/proxy packing slip is ready, the field can be completed to process another Receipt.
In the example below, Part #0003 was not delivered and not listed on the packing slip.  The Qty Received field is left at 0:


Auto Receive all Remaining

Because many shipments you receive contain exactly what you ordered, there is an option checkbox at the top of the receipt to autofill all of the Qty Received fields with whatever qty is remaining.  Please only select this option if the Received fields have been fully received:
Confirm that the line(s) can close by selecting Yes:
After the appropriate field are added, select Done, Next:
The user is directed back to the Receipts tab.  A Receipt # will be generated to replace the N/A and a Receipt Status will indicate Created:
Other Notes:
Receipts that have already been applied to the same PO will appear in grey with the Receipt number for the user's awareness:
When a user responds to a Proxy/Missing Packing Slip request, they are able to add Date Received to indicate the date the order was delivered.  If Date Received is left blank, Prendio will automatically note the date the user Confirms the proxy request as the Date Received:
If the Date Received is incorrect, a Receiver can adjust the date for each line in the Receipt:

Converting a Part Line to a Service Line
A part line can be converted to a service line in order to receive an amount (pricing) instead of a Qty.  This is common if the user mistakenly created a line as a part when it should have been a service.
In the example below, the line is for a service (Installation); however, Prendio is requiring a Qty be added instead of an Amount:
Select the S on the bottom right of the line:
Confirm Yes to update from a part to a service line:
The line is updated and an amount can be added.  Qty Remaining also updates to the remaining total on the PO ($500.00):
Prendio will indicate in the Receipt Notes area that the line has been converted to a service:




 Special Cases
It is not unusual to find exceptions to the ideal flow. Below are a few special situations and how best to process them in Prendio.
  • Incorrect Packing Slip - In the listing of Receipts, Delete the problem Receipt to send it back to Scan Match where it can be correctly matched to the PO.
  • Too much qty/amount received - The Admin and AP Management roles have access to Tolerances to address minor variations in the qty/amount received for a given line as compared to the original order line. If the variance is larger than what is permitted by the Tolerances, then the extra qty/amount must be negotiated with the supplier. If the additional qty/amount is to be received, the original purchase order will need to be edited (by the Buyer role) to reflect the new amount.
  • Supplier on the packing slip does not match the Purchase Order - It is common that suppliers direct-ship from their manufacturers to their customers (you). In these cases, the packing slip will likely contain your correct Purchase Order Number, but it might not contain the name of the supplier with whom you placed the order. This is considered a "correct" form in Prendio and there is nothing to be changed.
  • Part Numbers on the packing slip do not match the Purchase Order - There are a few situations in which this might happen, including several listed above. Confirmation that the items are indeed correct is a judgment based on what information is available in the part number and description.

Order History After A Packing Slip And Receipt Were Processed

After a Packing Slip and Receipt were processed, Order History also displays their creation dates.

Please note that in order to view Receipts in the Order History window, users must have the Accounts Payable role.

Please note that if additional receipts are expected for the PO, the status of the PO will indicate that it is Partially Received.  After all of the parts or services on the PO have been received, the status will update to Fulfilled (Closed).