Understanding The Prendio AP Management Role

Once vouchers have been prepared in the Accounts Payable role, they move to the AP Push of the AP Management ready to push by export or to an ERP system.

The AP Management role also has the ability to run reports and generate exports as needed.



The Prendio AP Management role is required. User roles are assigned by a Company Admin.

General Configuration


AP Push - Selected Actions

Let's Align

Completing A Push

Unpaid Bills

Paid Bills





AP Management > General > Accounting


1. New Supplier Approval can be enabled. To enable this feature click in the New Supplier Approver pulldown menu to select a Prendio User from the list. Once enabled, that user will need to approve any new supplier requests for your company.

2. Enable ERP Integration This feature is not selected by default. When not enabled Prendio orders are Exported as CSV (comma separated values) files for manual import into the ERP System. When enabled these orders can be pushed to the configured ERP System.

Note: The initial ERP Integration is completed with the assistance of the Prendio Technical Support. Please contact support@prendio.com when any changes are necessary.


ERP Connector Setup

3. The available ERP Systems appear in the ERP Connector pulldown menu.

The available selections are Prendio Quickbooks Online Connector, Prendio Quickbooks Desktop Connector, Prendio NetSuite Connector, Prendio Oracle Fusion Connector and Prendio MS Business Central Connector.

All of these selections communicate website to website (online connector) with the exception of Quickbooks Desktop.

Note: Quickbooks Online will be used in this example.


4. The Renew Connection button is used to re-establish communication between the Prendio and Quickbooks secure websites.

Prendio Flexible Segments:

Common ERP Segments are how the Segments are named internally in Prendio. These names cannot be modified.

Prendio Segments are how the Segments are named in the Prendio User Interface (examples: Carts, Accounts Payable and AP Push).

5. The default names are used here. These can be changed to match the ERP Naming.

6. These are Optional Segments and can only be enabled with the assistance of Prendio Technical Support. Please contact support@prendio.com when any changes are necessary.

7. With the Prendio online connectors an AP Push Bundle can be selected. This will attach the document(s) in PDF format to the orders and these bundles will be pushed to these ERP Systems.


8. The documentation selections available display in the AP Push Bundle pulldown menu. The          selections are Invoice + PO + Packing Slip(s) + Approval Summary, Invoice + PO + Packing Slip(s), Invoice + PO + Approval Summary, Invoice, and (do not attach any documents).


9. The Tax and Freight Assignment pulldown menu has 2 selections, Distributed to Lines and Specific Accounts. Selecting Distributed to Lines distributes the tax and freight between each line item in the order. Selecting Specific Accounts allows the Tax and Freight to be assigned individually to a GL Account.

10. An Accounting Note can be entered here. The note entered here will appear in the Scan Match window for the Receiver and Accounts Payable roles.

11. Press Save when the configuration is complete.




AP Management > General > Tolerances


12. Buyer PO Creation is where the maximum amount for a Punchout Order that does not require a Buyer Review is entered. It is also where the monetary amounts are entered for the percentages of a change to that amount determine whether re-approval is required.

13. Receipt Creation is where the percentage of the quantity of an item received per order line without a PO revision.

14. Always press Save when a change is made.


AP Management > AP Push Window > Selected Actions

Note: Clicking on the links in the Voucher, PO, and Supplier columns will open these in a new browser tab. Clicking on the link in the Part Description column allows the user to rename or edit this description.


1. These fields inform the how many vouchers are in this window, how many vouchers include error messages, how many vouchers are selected, who performed the last PDF Bundle export, who performed the last CSV export, and who performed the last push.

2. The Selected Actions pulldown menu lists the actions that can be taken after voucher(s) are selected in the AP Push window.


3. Click in the Selected Actions pulldown menu to display the following choices:

Push to ERP...Let’s Push by Connector select this to push the selected voucher(s) to your ERP System.
Note: If ERP Integration was not enabled, Push to ERP... Let’s Push by Export would display. This method exports a Bills Headers and Bills Details CSV file for import into an ERP System.
Mark Vouchers as Pushed does not push the selected vouchers to an ERP System. This action moves them to Paid Bills and Marked as Pushed will display in the Payment column. This selection is usually for bills paid outside of the system.
Revert Vouchers will revert the selected vouchers to the Accounts Payable > Vouchers window.
Export Listing File will create a CSV file that includes all the information in the AP Push window for the selected vouchers.

Selecting Create PDF Invoice Bundle will open the Export Selected PDFs window.


4. When selecting Purchase Order Bundle the Approvals Record, Packing Slip(s), and Invoices will be included in the bundle for the vouchers selected.

5. When selecting Invoice Bundle the Approvals Record, and Packing Slip(s), and Invoices will be included in the bundle for the vouchers selected.

6. Press Export to create the Bundle.

7. Clicking on the Show Bundle Server Status will open the Show Bundle Server Status window.

Show Bundle Server Status


8. The Status of the request appears in this column.

9. The request can be cancelled by pressing this icon.

10. The request can be downloaded by pressing this icon. Note: Depending on the size of the file, the bundle or a link to the bundle will be emailed to the user that requested it.

11. Click on the Trash Can icon to delete a request.

12. Press Refresh to update the status of the request.

Note: On Page 2 AP Push Bundles were detailed. AP Push Bundles are not available when ERP Integration is not enabled or with Quickbooks Desktop so creating a PDF Invoice Bundle would be an alternative for these configurations.


AP Push Window:

Click on the link in the Voucher, PO, or Invoice Columns to view these in a new tab. Click on the link in the Supplier Column to open the Supplier Detail window for that supplier. Click on the link in the Part Description Column to edit/change the description.

The Project, Department, and GL Account pulldown menus display what was selected in these segments for each order. Note: These pulldown menus can also be used to change these selections to another segment.

13. Let’s Align is used to align the Suppliers, Projects, Departments, and GL Accounts between Prendio and the ERP System;

14. Use this Refresh icon rather than the Browser Refresh icon to refresh this window;

15. In these examples Supplier not found in ERP and Department not found in ERP displays for these vouchers. This means that a Let’s Align is needed.

Note: If red text appeared in the Project, Department, or GL Account a Let’s Align or a selection from one of these pulldown menus would also be needed for these. With Projects, Departments, and GL Accounts a Let’s Align can import these into Prendio during a Let’s Align but a Let’s Align cannot create these resources in the ERP System.

16.  A Checkmark & PDF Icon will display in the Status column when the Voucher is ready to be Pushed. If No Checkmark appears, that Voucher is not ready to push. If a Spinning Clock Icon displays, the system is creating the AP Push Bundle for that Voucher.

Additional Notes:
If the Checkmark does not appear, the voucher cannot be pushed:
If a PDF Icon does not display in the Status column, either that ERP System does not support AP Push Bundles or a bundle was not selected.
Double clicking on the PDF Icon will open the Bundle in a new browser tab.



Let’s Align:

Note: You do not need to select the Checkbox next to any vouchers that need alignment. The system will locate them automatically.


17. Let’s Align is then pressed.

18. In this example the system will automatically locate these Vouchers.


19. Awaiting Refresh is displayed in the Let’s Align window. In this example if Refresh was grayed out, Renew Connection would need to be pressed to renew the connection with Quickbooks first. Refresh is then pressed to align the Prendio resources with the ERP Resources.


20. The System Activity field captures feedback during the Let’s Align Process.

The 2 Suppliers that need alignment were found.

21. In this example I started typing the name of the supplier until it was found in the ERP System. When this supplier was found, it was selected.


22. I started typing the name of the second supplier, but it was not found in the ERP System. For this reason, Create NEW supplier in ERP was selected.

23. Send to ERP was then pressed, this will map the first supplier found in the ERP System to the Supplier in Prendio. It will also create the second supplier in the ERP System and map that to the Prendio Supplier.

The Let’s Align window will automatically close when the alignment is complete.

Notes: When aligning Suppliers with the ERP System Prendio can map to a supplier that is defined in the ERP System or create that Supplier in the ERP System and map that supplier. When aligning Projects, Departments, and GL Accounts (Segments) Prendio can map these resources to Projects, Departments, and GL Accounts that exist in the ERP System but cannot create the Projects, Departments, or GL Accounts in the ERP System. These need to be created in the ERP System first, then they can be mapped with a Let’s Align or a Sync of these resources in Accounts Payable will also import them into Prendio for manual mapping.


Completing A Push:

During a push to the ERP System many actions are taking place. Along with pushing the selected for payment, the system also checks for duplicates and updates the status of previously pushed bills prior to the current push.


24. The Status column displays Green Check Marks, so are ready to push.

25. Check the top checkbox to select all vouchers or check individual voucher(s).


26. In this example, all of the vouchers were selected. Push to ERP...Let’s Push by Connector is then selected from the Selected Actions pulldown menu.

Note: The field above Selected Actions displays 9 Vouchers selected.


27. The top of the Let’s Push window displays the type of ERP System.

28. Prendio allows the user to push supplier remit address changes when this box is checked. No address differences were found in this example.

29. Press Push to push the bills to the ERP System.


30. The progress displays in the System Activity field.

Note: The Let’s Push window will automatically close when the alignment is complete.


31. All of the vouchers successfully pushed and Last AP Push field was updated.

The bills pushed here were moved to the AP Management > Unpaid Bills window.

Any bills that were pushed prior to this push, and paid through the ERP System prior to this push, were moved to the AP Management > Paid Bills window.

*Please note that if not integrated with an ERP System, users can Push by Export.  For more details, please visit: AP Push by Export.

AP Management > AP Push > Unpaid Bills

Note: Clicking on the links in the PO#, Inv#, and Voucher# columns will open these in a new browser tab. The columns in this window that have an Arrow icon in the heading can be sorted using this icon.

1. There are several buttons in this window:
Refresh refreshes the window after a search was performed;
Revert Selected Items is used to move any selected bills back to the AP Push window.;
Request Bill Payments is used to update the selected bills after payment was made in the ERP System;
Export To CSV exports the information for the bills in this window to a CSV File;
Pressing Status Check opens the Status Check window where the status of the CSV file export can be checked and the file downloaded when complete;
The <filter list> field can be used to filter/search for information in this window.

2. Check the top checkbox to select all bills or check individual boxes for individual bills.

Requesting Bill Payments:

In this example I paid three bills in the ERP System and will now update these bills in Prendio.


3. The three bills that were paid are selected in the Unpaid Bills window.

4. Request Bill Payments was then pressed.


OK the Prompt that appears to continue with the payment updates.

The Request Bill Payments window will open while the payments are being updated and automatically close when complete.

Note: The bills that the ERP System responded as Paid, will be moved to the Paid Bills window.


*Please note that if not integrated with an ERP System, vouchers will move from AP Push to Pushed Bills tab instead of Unpaid Bills.  Users will need to keep track of payments to vouchers outside of Prendio.  For more details, please visit AP Push by Export.


AP Management > Paid Bills

Note: Clicking on the links in the PO#, Inv#, and Voucher# columns will open these in a new browser tab. The columns in this window that have an Arrow icon in the heading can be sorted using this icon.


5. The payments for the bills just updated appear in the Payment column.

6. When the Paid Bills were just updated appears here.

7. There are several Actions in this window:
Date Range: The default is for the last month of Paid Bills to display. This can be changed by Clicking in the Calendars.
Refresh refreshes the window after a search was performed;
Revert Selected Items is used to move any selected bills back to the AP Push window.;
Note: Only bills that were Marked as Pushed can be Reverted. These bills will have a Checkbox in the far left of this window. Bills that were pushed to and paid through the ERP System cannot be reverted.
Export To CSV exports the information for the bills in this window to a CSV File;
Pressing Status Check opens the Status Check window where the status of the CSV file export can be checked and the file downloaded when complete;
The <filter list> field can be used to filter/search for information in this window.
Search Column allows the user to narrow down where in the Paid Bills window to search for the data entered in the filter list field. Select Column allows you to pick which column to search for this data.


*Please note that if not integrated with an ERP System, vouchers will move from AP Push to Pushed Bills tab instead of Unpaid Bills > Paid Bills.  Users will need to keep track of payments to vouchers outside of Prendio.  For more details, please visit AP Push by Export.



AP Management > Reports


Note: A variety of reports can be run from this window. This document provides an overview. For more detail on any report, click on the Prendio Software Guide Link on the Dashboard and search for Prendio Report.


1. From the Report pulldown menu you can select the AP Order Analysis, Paid Bills Report, Unpaid Bills Report, User Summary, Department Summary, Open PO Summary, Open PO Detail, Proxy Request Summary Report, and PO Summary reports.                                    

2. Depending upon the report selected, the Email Report, Run Report, Export, and Status Check buttons may be available. Email Report will email the report to the user that requested it when it is complete.* Run Report will generate the report in the Reports window.

Export will export the request in a CSV file.

Note: While the Report is being created, Export will be grayed out. Status Check opens a Status Check window where the progress of the request can be updated, and the report downloaded when it is complete.

* The Status Check window can also be used to monitor the progress of the request can be updated and the report downloaded when it is complete.

Report Creation Criteria


3. When selecting one of these Radio Buttons, the report will use the creation date of either the PO, Voucher, or Receipt, depending upon which selection is made.

4. Enter the Start Date and End Date range to be used when creating the report.

5. Leave the Supplier, Requester, Order Status, Departments, GL Account, or Project fields at ALL to include all of these or use a filter to include specific data.



AP Management > Exports

Purchase Order, Invoice, and Payment Export Bundles can be created. These bundles are exported in a compressed format (zip file) and contain the PDF documentation requested.


Note: A variety of exports can be requested from this window. This document provides an overview. For more detail on any export, click on the Prendio Software Guide Link on the Dashboard and search for Bundle.

Both the Status Check and Export buttons are unique to the Export Bundle radio button selected in this window. What displays in the Status Check window will depend upon which radio button is selected. When pressed, the Export button will start processing the request for the radio button currently selected.

As with the Reports window, pressing Status Check opens a Status Check window where the progress of the request can be updated, and the report downloaded when it is complete.


6. When selecting Purchase Order Bundle the bundle can include the Approvals Record, Packing Slip(s), and Invoices if these boxes are checked.

7. Either a PO Number, a PO Number Range, or Supplier(s) can be selected for the bundle.

8. Press Export to create the bundle.

Note: The Export button will be grayed out while the system is processing a request, it will become available again when the request is complete.


9. When selecting Invoice Bundle the bundle can include the Approvals Record and Packing Slip(s) if these boxes are checked.

10. Either a Voucher Number Range, an Invoice Number, or Supplier(s) can be selected for the bundle.

11. Press Export to create the bundle.

Note: The Export button will be grayed out while the system is processing a request, it will become available again when the request is complete.


12. When selecting Payment Bundle the bundle can include the Purchase Orders, Approvals Record, and Packing Slip(s) if these boxes are checked.

13. Either a Check Number, a Check Total Above ($), or Supplier(s) can be selected for the bundle.

14. Press Export to create the bundle.

Note: The Export button will be grayed out while the system is processing a request, it will become available again when the request is complete.