Understanding The Prendio Accounts Payable Role

 Updated on September 20, 2024
The Accounts Payable role uploads invoices for orders and processes the invoices into vouchers to complete the three way match.  Accounts Payable will also maintain the company's accounting segments.
 Accounts Payable > Scan

This is where Scanned Invoices are Uploaded then Matched to the appropriate Purchase Order.

Accounts Payable > Scan > Scan Upload:

  • Either drag PDF file(s) here or press Add Files to maneuver to and select PDF file(s).
  • If users do not have access to Prendio, they can email files to the company's Scan Upload Email.
  • Click on these icons to display the PDF files in a thumbnail or list view.

For more details regarding Scan Upload and Scan Upload Email, please visit:

Scan Upload

Scan Upload Email

In this example 2 PDF documents were added to the Scan Upload window: 

Click on the minus (-) icon in the upper right-hand corner of a thumbnail to delete it if needed:


The name and size of the document display here:


The combined size of the documents in this window display here:


Press Start Upload to upload the PDF file(s):


During the upload, a progress bar will appear at the bottom of each thumbnail. When the upload is complete for that thumbnail, a checkmark will appear in the upper right-hand corner:

The progress of all the documents being uploaded appears here:




Accounts Payable > Scan > Scan Match

The Scan Match window is used to match the appropriate Invoice with a PO Number.

* Please note that if areas in the Scan Match are greyed out, a service provider handles the company's Receiver and AP services.  Users have view only access to keep track of the service provider processing invoices into Vouchers:


The number of scans to review appears here. If there are many scans to review, arrows will display to advance forward and back:


When a thumbnail is selected, it will display in a larger view:

A document can be deleted by checking the bottom and selecting the delete (trash bin) icon:
Deleted documents can be recovered in Deleted Scans:
After a thumbnail is selected, add in the invoice details including the Invoice #, Inv Date, PO #, Inv Amount, and any Tax & Freight:

Scan Notes can be used to add a note to the document.  Notes can be added to indicate that the document needs further review before it can be processed:


Once complete, select Done, Next


Additional Fields and Messages

If the Invoice Amount is greater than the PO Amount Remaining, a pop up window will appear indicating that there are insufficient funds on the PO to process the invoice:

Users have the opportunity to place create a voucher and place on Hold status to resolve pricing discrepancies.  If additional funds or an increase to a unit price for a part line is required, users have the ability to do so on the voucher page.  For more details, please visit:

Adding Additional Funds

Updating the Unit Price on a Part Line


If an Invoice was received but there is no PO Number available of the PO number is unknown. the box below can be selected:

When this occurs, the PO # field is left blank, and this box is checked. Checking this box activates the pulldown menu displaying the names of other Prendio Users. The user believed to be the Requester of this order can then be selected from the pulldown menu and can be sent a Proxy Request to confirm this is his or her order.

For more information, please visit: Understanding Missing PO And Packing Slip Proxy Requests



 Accounts Payable > Vouchers

This window is used to process Scanned Invoices into Vouchers.


The Number of Vouchers is displayed here:

The Filter field can be used to search for data in this window and the Refresh button is used to clear the filter and display all receipts.  Note: Checking Include Deleted will display orders that were deleted:


The Document Type, Supplier, PO #, Available Receipts, Document Date, Document # Voucher #, Voucher Status, and Notes columns can be sorted using the Arrowhead icons:


Clicking on the link in the PO # column will display the PO in another browser tab:


In the Actions column, the View (eyeball) icon is used to view a Scanned Document and create the voucher:

The Paper icon can be selected to Add Notes:

The Trash Can icon can be used to delete a Scanned Document.  Deleting a document will return it back to the Scan Match:

The links in the Available Receipts column can be used to view the Receipt created from a packing slip or Proxy Packing Slip.  The links will be named by their Receipt number (Rec 1, Rec 2, Rec 3, etc).  Please note that a user with the Receiver role will be responsible for processing receipts.
A Receipt created from an uploaded packing slip:
A Receipt created from a Proxy Packing Slip:
If there are no receipts created, the Available Receipts column will indicate that there are No available receipts:
The Envelope icon in the Available Receipts column can be used to send a Proxy Request to a Prendio User if needed.  For more information regarding Proxy Packing Slip requests, please visit, Understanding Missing Packing Slip Proxy Requests:
Voucher Status
Vouchers can also hold different statues depending on its state.  Below are a list of statuses users may see.  Please note that this column is currently in development as the statuses will become more relevant when completed:

Pending - Pending review by the AP user to make necessary adjustments to process the voucher.

Held - Voucher is in a hold status for the AP user to initiate a correction or for internal review.

Awaiting Correction - Voucher is marked as requiring a correction due to an invoice discrepancy. A partial credit memo should be attached to resolve this matter.

Awaiting Additional Funds - Voucher is marked as requiring funds to be added to the PO due to an invoice discrepancy. A request for additional funds should be sent to resolve this matter.

Awaiting PO Update - Voucher is marked as requiring an update to the PO due to an invoice discrepancy. An increase to the unit price for a part line or any remaining types PO edits should be made to resolve this matter.

Rejected in Reapproval - Status will be displayed when a request for additional funds or a unit price increase is denied. The AP user is prompted to resolve this matter internally.

If a Note was entered while matching an Invoice, it would display in the Notes column:
After View (eyeball) is selected, Voucher can be created by ensuring that invoice details match the PO and Receipt details: 

After confirming the Invoice details (left) match the Receipt details, the Receipt checkbox is selectedMultiple Receipts can be selected for the invoice:


If further information is needed before processing a voucher, users can add notes via Additional Voucher Notes:
Save as Draft can be selected to save the notes and place the voucher in Draft status until further review:

After the Receipt(s) is checked, if Tax or Freight amounts are reflected on the invoice, add the amounts to the appropriate areas before selecting Done, OK to Pay:


Ensure that the Invoice Total matches the total on the invoice.  Once complete, select Done, OK to Pay in the top right:

After a voucher is created, it is moved from the Vouchers window to the AP Management > AP Push window.




Prendio Flexible Accounting Segments

Prendio uses Flexible Segments which allows a company to Rename, Increase, or Decrease the number of Segments (aka Coding) to Integrate with an ERP System.


In this example, the company is using three segments, Department, GL Account, and Project. The number and naming of the segments that display in Accounts Payable are configured in AP Management > General > Accounting by the AP Manager role and Prendio Technical Support. The defaults are selected here, but you may see fewer or more segments and perhaps the names Class and Location.


Accounts Payable > Departments

This window is used to manage the Prendio Departments and the ERP Departments.  Prendio Departments is selected, this is where the Prendio Departments are created and saved:


The number of Prendio Departments, ERP Departments, and how many are enabled are displayed here:

The Filter field can be used to search for data in this window. Download Export File exports the contents of this window to a .CSV file, and the Add Departments button is used to create new Departments.  Users can also Import All Segments from a .CSV file to import new segments or update existing segments:

The Prendio Name, Prendio Display Description, Watchers, Approvers, GL Account, ERP Map, and Status columns can be sorted using the Arrowhead icons:

The arrowheads next to the Prendio Names can be used to move the Departments up and down in this window. This affects the order in which they appear in the Department pulldown menu in a cart:

In the Action column, the Edit (pencil) icon can be used to edit a Department and the Trash Can icon can be used to delete a Department. In this example a Department was edited, and the General tab is displayed:


The Department Name field is where the name is entered:


Active must be selected for the Department to be available for use in an order:


The ERP Map pulldown menu is used to select the ERP Department that will be used for this Department:

The Description and Notes fields are optional.  Adding a Description for a Department will appear in a user's cart to help them determine if this is the best selection for the order.
Allowed GL Accounts displays the GL Accounts that are members of this Department.
The Watchers/Approvers tab is selected. If desired, Watchers can be added to a Department.  Watchers can also be elevated to an Approver:

Press Add to open a window to add Watchers/Approvers:


*For more information regarding adding Segment Watchers/Approvers, please visit:  Flexible Segment Approvers


The Users tab is then selected. For a Department to be available in a cart the user must be a member of the Department selected in that cart: 



ERP Departments is selected, this is where the ERP Departments are imported and stored. The Filter field can be used to search for data in this window and the Refresh button is used to clear the filter:
Synch ERP is used to connect to the ERP System and Synchronize these resources with Prendio. ERP Departments:


 The last Sync completed displays here:


The ERP Department ID, ERP Departmentt Name, Prendio Map, and ERP Type columns can be sorted using the Arrowhead icons. Selecting the box in the Disregard column will prevent the ERP Department not to display when mapping Prendio Departments:


Accounts Payable > GL Accounts

This window is used to manage the Prendio GL Accounts and the ERP GL Accounts.  Prendio GL Account is selected, this is where the Prendio GL Accounts are created and saved:



The number of Prendio GL Accounts, ERP/Accounting, and how many are enabled are displayed here:


The Filter field can be used to search for data in this window. Download Export File exports the contents of this window to a .CSV file, and the Add GL Account button is used to create new GL Accounts. Users can also Import All Segments from a .CSV file to import new segments or update existing segments:


The Prendio Name, Prendio Display Description, Watchers, Approvers, ERP Map, and Status columns can be sorted using the Arrowhead icons:

The arrowheads next to the Prendio Names can be used to move the GL Accounts up and down in this window. This affects the order in which they appear in the GL Account pulldown menu in a cart:


In the Action column, the Edit (pencil) icon can be used to edit a GL Account and the Trash Can icon can be used to delete a GL Account.  In this example a GL Account was edited, and the General tab is displayed: 


The GL Account Name field is where the name is entered:


Active must be selected for the GL Account to be available for use in an order:


The ERP Account pulldown menu is used to select the ERP Account that will be used for this Prendio  GL Account:


The Description and Notes fields are optional.  Adding a Description for a Department will appear in a user's cart to help them determine if this is the best selection for the order.

The Watchers/Approvers tab is selected. If desired, Watchers can be added to a GL Account.  Watchers can also be elevated to an Approver

Press Add to open a window to add Watchers/Approvers


*For more information regarding adding Segment Watchers/Approvers, please visit:  Flexible Segment Approvers


The Departments tab is selected displays here.  For a GL Account to be available in a cart the GL Account must be a member of a Department selected in that cart:


Tax and Freight Assignment:
How the Tax and Freight expenses are to be paid can be selected here:


Distributed to Lines is the most frequently used selection. This will divide the expenses evenly among the line items in an order:

Specific Accounts is another option. This option allows these expenses to be distributed to specific GL Accounts:


Note: Tax and Freight can also be configured in AP Management > General.


When ERP GL Account is selected, this is where the ERP Accounts are imported and stored.  The Filter field can be used to search for data in this window and the Refresh button is used to clear the filter:


Sync ERP is used to connect to the ERP System and Synchronize these resources with Prendio:
The last Sync completed displays here:


The ERP GL Account IDERP GL Account NamePrendio Map, and ERP Type columns can be sorted using the Arrowhead icons. Selecting the box in the Disregard column will prevent the ERP Department not to display when mapping Prendio GL Accounts:



Accounts Payable > Projects

This window is used to manage the Prendio Projects and the ERP Projects.  Prendio Projects is selected, this is where the Prendio Projects are created and saved:
The number of Prendio ProjectsERP projects, and how many are enabled are displayed here:


The Filter field can be used to search for data in this window. Download Export File exports the contents of this window to a .CSV file, and the Add Departments button is used to create new Departments.  Users can also Import All Segments from a .CSV file to import new segments or update existing segments:


The Prendio Name, Project Manager, Prendio Display Description, Watchers, Approvers, Purchases, ERP Map, and Status columns can be sorted using the Arrowhead icons:


The arrowheads next to the Prendio Names can be used to move the Projects up and down in this window. This affects the order in which they appear in the Project pulldown menu in a cart:


In the Action column, the Edit (pencil) icon can be used to edit a Project and the Trash Can icon can be used to delete a Project. In this example a Project was edited, and the General tab is displayed: 


The Project Name field is where the name is entered:


Active must be selected for the Project to be available for use in an order:


The ERP Map pulldown menu is used to select the ERP Project that will be used for this Prendio Project:


Note: The Project Manager and Available for Time Table pulldown menus are optional, and the Available for Purchases pulldown menu should be set to True. The Project Description and Notes fields are also optional.

The Watchers/Approvers tab is selected. If desired, Watchers can be added to a GL Account.  Watchers can also be elevated to an Approver 

Press Add to open a window to add Watchers/Approvers

*For more information regarding adding Segment Watchers/Approvers, please visit:  Flexible Segment Approvers


The Users tab is then selected. For a Project to be available in a cart the user must be a member of the Project selected in that cart:

ERP Projects is selected, this is where the ERP Projects are imported and stored. The Filter field can be used to search for data in this window and the Refresh button is used to clear the filter::

Synch ERP is used to connect to the ERP System and Synchronize ERP Projects not in this window prior to the sync will be imported during this process:
 The last Sync completed displays here:

The ERP Project IDERP Dept NamePrendio Map, and ERP Type columns can be sorted using the Arrowhead icons. Selecting the box in the Disregard column will prevent the ERP Department not to display when mapping Prendio Projects:



Accounts Payable > Suppliers

This window is used to manage the Prendio Connected Suppliers and the ERP Connected Suppliers. Here Prendio Connected Suppliers is selected where the Prendio connected Suppliers are saved:


The number of Prendio Connected Suppliers, and ERP Total Suppliers are displayed here:


The Refresh button is used to clear the filter. The Filter field can be used to search for data in this window. Download Export File exports the selected suppliers to a .CSV file:


The Supplier, Enabled, and ERP Link, and ERP Suppliers columns can be sorted using the Arrowhead icons:


The All checkbox can be selected to include all suppliers or Individual Supplier checkbox(es) can be checked to include certain suppliers in the Supplier Export File:


Click on the link to the Supplier Name to edit a supplier:


In this example a Supplier was edited, and the General tab is displayed.

The ERP Account field is where the ERP Supplier is selected:

Note: Bills for this supplier will be pushed to this supplier in the ERP System.


These fields and boxes are completed by the Prendio Catalog Manager and the Buyer when the supplier was added to Prendio and an Account was established.  Note: These fields can be changed at the customer level:


Notes can be added:


This is the Email and Remit to Address information for the supplier that will be sent to the ERP System during a Push:

Note: Deselect Use Prendio Default to modify the address to push different address information for the supplier.


The Currency is setup by the Prendio Catalog Manager. Note: This field can be changed at the customer level:


The FID, W-9, and Tax Classification fields can be updated as needed:


Account Numbers can be added to this tab when needed.

As parts are ordered for this supplier, they are added to the Catalog Items tab. The Part Number, Description, UM, Unit Price Range, Date Added, and Status columns can be sorted using the Arrowhead icons:
The Orders tab displays the orders placed for this supplier.  Click on the PO# link in the PO column to open the PO in a new browser tab.  Click on the view link in the History column to open the Order History for this PO.


ERP Total Suppliers is selected, this is where the ERP Suppliers are imported and stored.  The Filter field can be used to search for data in this window and the Refresh button is used to clear the filter:
Synch ERP is used to connect to the ERP System and Synchronize these resources with Prendio. ERP Suppliers not in this window prior to the sync will be imported during this process:

The last Sync completed displays here:


The ERP Supplier ID, ERP Supplier Name, Prendio Map, and ERP Type columns can be sorted using the Arrowhead icons.  Check the box in the Disregard column for that ERP Supplier not to display when mapping Prendio Suppliers:


Accounts Payable > Terms

This window is used to manage the Prendio Connected Terms and the ERP Connected Terms. Here Prendio Connected Terms is selected where the Terms are saved:


The number of Prendio Terms, and ERP Terms are displayed here:


The Filter field can be used to search for data in this window. Download Export File exports all Terms to a .CSV file:


The Prendio Name, and ERP Map columns can be sorted using the Arrowhead icons:


In the Action column, click on the Edit (pencil) icon to edit a Term.  The Prendio Terms Setup window appears.  In the example below the Prendio Net 30 Term was edited in the Prendio Terms Setup window.  The ERP Map dropdown menu is used to map to map this term to the corresponding ERP Term.:

 ERP Terms is selected, this is where the ERP Terms are imported and stored:
The Filter field can be used to search for data in this window and the Refresh button is used to clear the filter. Synch ERP is used to connect to the ERP System and Synchronize these resources with Prendio. ERP Terms not in this window prior to the sync will be imported during this process:

The last Sync completed displays here:


The Term ID, Term Name, Prendio Map, and ERP Type columns can be sorted using the Arrowhead icons. Check the box in the Disregard column for that ERP Term not to display when mapping Prendio Suppliers: