Scan Match

Associate packing slips and invoices to your Purchase Orders

Updated on April 25, 2024


Receiver Role - Scan Match

Accounts Payable - Scan Match

Special Cases



Note: Functionality covered in this article is available to the Accounts Payable and Receiver roles. See your admin to assign roles.

Scan Match
The PDF files made available by Scan Upload need to be specified as either Packing Slips or Invoices and matched/assigned to the corresponding Prendio PO. This process is referred to as Scan Match and can be managed by either the Receiver or Accounts Payable role in Prendio.


The Scan Match screen displays all of the available scanned documents as thumbnails across the top and a viewing portal for the (highlighted by a blue border) document.

Checked (checkbox below the thumbnail) pages are combined into a single PDF and saved with the values entered to the right side of the page. If the document is recorded as an invoice, it will be routed to become a Prendio Voucher. If the document is a packing slip, it will be routed to become a Prendio Receipt.



Receiver Scan > Scan Match
The Scan Match window is used to match the appropriate Packing Slip with a PO Number.
Please note that if areas in the Scan Match are greyed out, a service provider handles the company's Receiver and AP services.  Users have view only access to keep track of the service provider processing packing slips into Receipts.  Some users do not have access to the Scan Match.  If users need access to Scan Match, another user with the Admin role can grant the user Confidential Order permissions for access.

In Scan Match, the number of scans to review appears as thumbnails at the top.  If there are many scans to review, arrows will display to advance forward and back:

When a thumbnail is selected, it will display in a larger view:


After selecting a packing slip, the Received Date and PO# fields are used when processing a Packing Slip to be matched to a PO.  Once complete, select Done, Next:

The packing slips leaves the Scan Match to the Receipts tab for further review.

The Scan Notes field can be used to add a note to the Packing Slip to indicate if more information is needed before the packing slip can be processed:

Documents at the top of the Scan Match with Scan Notes will have an icon in the top right of the thumbnail:






Accounts Payable > Scan > Scan Match

The Scan Match window is used to match the appropriate Invoice with a PO Number.

* Please note that if areas in the Scan Match are greyed out, a service provider handles the company's Receiver and AP services.  Users have view only access to keep track of the service provider processing invoices into Vouchers:


The number of scans to review appears here. If there are many scans to review, arrows will display to advance forward and back:


When a thumbnail is selected, it will display in a larger view:

A document can be deleted by checking the bottom and selecting the delete (trash bin) icon:
Deleted documents can be recovered in Deleted Scans:
After a thumbnail is selected, add in the invoice details including the Invoice #Inv DatePO #Inv Amount, and any Tax & Freight:

Once complete, select Done, Next

The invoice leaves the Scan Match to the Vouchers tab for further review.

Additional Fields

If an Invoice was received but there is no PO Number available of the PO number is unknown. the box below can be selected:

When this occurs, the PO # field is left blank, and this box is checked. Checking this box activates the pulldown menu displaying the names of other Prendio Users. The user believed to be the Requester of this order can then be selected from the pulldown menu and can be sent a Proxy Request to confirm this is his or her order.

For more information, please visit: Understanding Missing PO And Packing Slip Proxy Requests


Scan Notes can be used to add a note to the document.  Notes can be added to indicate that the document needs further review before it can be processed:






Special Cases

It is not unusual to find exceptions to the ideal flow. Below are a few special situations and how best to process them in Prendio.
  • Supplier on the packing slip does not match the Purchase Order - It is common that suppliers direct-ship from their manufacturers to their customers (you). In these cases, the packing slip will likely contain your correct Purchase Order Number, but it might not contain the name of the supplier with whom you placed the order. This is considered a "correct" form in Prendio and there is nothing to be changed.
  • No PO Found - When you receive an invoice that has no PO Number, it is likely that these commitments to goods or services were established outside of Prendio. If your company has determined that some types of invoices are not processed in Prendio, you might choose to check this document and delete it (trash can) from the system, committing to process it directly in your ERP system. However, if you have do want to process the invoice in Prendio, you now have the option to request that someone create a Purchase Order for the amount invoiced (or more). This submitted cart will make its way through the approval process as would any other submitted cart. Check the No PO Found option and select a user to whom the system will send a request by email to create the needed PO. Once the user has created the Purchase Order (Previously Invoiced Cart) and linked it to the scan, the system saves the assignment, and no Scan Match will be needed.
    For more details about this process, please visit: Understanding Missing PO And Packing Slip Proxy Requests
  • Invoice Number Already in Prendio - Prendio will report an exception if you enter the same invoice number (and Supplier) as a record already found in Prendio.
  • End of Accounting Period - Invoices that arrive late might need to be dated in the new period. The AP Management role can include a reminder note to users of this Scan Match page that the prior period has closed.
  • Pricing Discrepancies - After adding an Inv Amount, an error message may appear indicating there is a discrepancy between the invoice total and the amount remaining on the PO.  Depending on the error message, pricing on the PO may need to be adjusted before the invoice can be processed or additional funds may be needed.  Common errors include:
    Amount Invoiced Cannot be Greater than Amount Received
    Insufficient Funds on PO for an Invoice
  • Other Issues - There are situations in which you might need to do a little investigating before moving forward with a Scan Match. Use the Scan Notes to remind yourself or others of the status of this scanned document. The note will appear as a red asterisk (*) next to the thumbnail at the top of the page.

Next Up: Assigning the scanned packing slips to the corresponding purchase order with Create Receipts via the Receiver role.  Or assigning the scanned invoices to the corresponding purchase order with Processing an Invoice into a Voucher via the Accounts Payable role.