Understanding The Prendio Dashboard And Requester Role


The Requester role is symbolized by the Dashboard in Prendio and is assigned to all users.  Requesters have the ability to create orders for parts or services as well as approve orders if needed.


Overview Of The Dashboard

1.    Catalog/Orders All Search:
A Catalog search Includes all items ordered by Bill's Corp. as well as items ordered by your peers at other companies. Also includes suppliers.
An Orders All search lets you search by Project, Requisition, Purchase order, Part Numbers, Descriptions, Notes, Supplier or Invoice Number.

2.    This field displays how you are logged on to Prendio.

3.    There are tabs on the Dashboard for each Prendio Role. The tabs that display depend upon the Prendio Role(s) your Admin has assigned to you.

4.    This is the Notification field. In this example a Supplier Welcome Card appears. Supplier Rating Cards may also appear in this field along with Prendio Notifications. Prendio Notifications include Approval Requests, Proxy Requests, and Time Table Requests. If a Notification appears you can click on it to reply to the request.

5.    The Punchout field displays your available Supplier Punchouts. Clicking on a punchout icon will take you to that supplier’s website to search for and order products.

6.    The My Orders field displays the orders that you have submitted. Not all of your orders will display on the Dashboard, click View All to display all orders.

7.    The My Carts field displays the carts that you have submitted. Clicking on + Cart will create a new cart. Not all of your carts will display on the Dashboard, click View All to display all carts.

8.    Click on the Support icon to maximize the Support Search window. Use this window to search for information on Prendio functions.

9.    The Support field contains links to announcements as well as a link to the Prendio Software Guide. In the software guide you can search for information and there is also fields on information by topic.

Note: Missing from this screenshot is the Time Table field. This is an option that allows the user to enter how much time was spent on a Project. If this option was enabled for your company, this field would display between the My Carts and the Support fields.

How To Create An Order

There are 3 ways to create an order, Punchout, Catalog, and Manual cart.

All orders processed through Prendio start as a Cart. When that Cart is submitted the Cart is Closed and a Requisition is created. The Req may need to go through Approvals first but when it reaches the BioProcure Buyer and is Confirmed with the Supplier, a PO Number is assigned.

Once an order is placed, the Prendio Three-way Match must be Complete to be processed through Prendio. This match consists of the PO + Packing Slip + Invoice.


Creating A Cart With A Punchout:

In this example the IDT Punchout will be used.
Note: Some Supplier Punchout websites require Cookies be enabled.

1.  Click on the IDT Punchout icon.


2.    This will take you to the Supplier’s Punchout Website.

A product is then selected. Supplier Punchout Websites vary, in this example a product category is selected, followed by the product itself.


3.      ReadyMade Oligos is selected.

4.      A Quantity of 1 is selected for the product.

5.      Add To Order is then pressed.

Note: If the Punchout Items all need to be on the same Purchase Order, select all of these items before Submitting or Checking Out of the Punchout website.


6.      This particular punchout site requires that you enter your First and Last Name before checking out.

7.      Submit is then pressed.


8.    A new cart is automatically created with an Order Type of PunchOut Order.

9.    The details of the selected product appear in the cart.

Note: Do not change the date in a punchout order, this will change the Order Type to Buyer will place order.


Creating A Cart Using The Catalog:

In this example Gloves is used in a Catalog Search and a cart is created from the type of glove selected.


1.    In the Catalog search field Gloves is entered.

2.    Prendio then finds products that match the search criteria and Add to cart is pressed for the desired product.


3.    A new cart is automatically created with the details of the selected product.


Creating An Order From A Manual Cart:


1.    From the Dashboard My Carts field click on +Cart.


2.    A unique Cart Number is assigned.

3.    Selecting a Ship To address is mandatory.

4.    The Cart Name is an optional field. Cart for is a mandatory field.

Note: When you create a ticket for yourself, your Personal Approval Path will be followed if the order exceeds your   Spending Limit. When you create a ticket on behalf of another user, that user’s Personal Approval Path will be followed if the order exceeds their Spending Limit.

The selections for Order Type: are I will place the order and Buyer will Place Order.
When I will place the order is selected the Requester will place the order with the supplier and the Buyer will email the PO to the Requester.

When Buyer will Place Order is selected the Buyer will place the order with the Supplier.
Check Confidential Order if the order is confidential.


5.    The Department, GL Account, and Project fields are mandatory.
Note: Project is an option field and may not be enabled for your company.
The Need by date defaults to seven days in the future but can be edited by the requester.
Check Critical if the Need by date is critical. This will allow the Buyer to know this order needs to be expedited.  Please note that expediting orders will add on additional shipping costs and these range from supplier to supplier.




6.    When creating a Cart press Add Part to create a Part Line Item or Add Service to create a Service Line Item.

In this example, Add Part will be used.


7.    in the Supplier: field start typing the name of the Supplier until it is recognized, then select that supplier.

Note: Suppliers that appear when typed are in the Prendio Catalog. Suppliers that display a Circled Check Mark next to their name are connected to your company. If a Supplier is not connected to your Company BioProcure will complete this process.

8.    If the supplier name is not in the catalog it will need to be added. Type the Supplier Name then enter the supplier website in the Website: field, then press Request Supplier.


9.    The Supplier was selected.

10.  In the Part# field start typing the part number. If it was previously ordered it will be recognized.

11.  Because this part was previously ordered the Desc, Price, U/M, Currency, and Qty fields automatically populated.
Note: If the part was not previously ordered, these fields would need to be manually entered.




12.  Notes and Attachments for the Supplier and Internal, Buyer can be added using these fields.

13.  Pressing the Apply to all lines button will populate the Department, GL Account, and Project fields for each Line Item in the cart.

14.  The Need by date defaults to 7 days in the future and is interactive so can be edited. Check the Critical checkbox if the date is critical.


15.  Use the Trash Can icon to delete a line item in a cart. The Arrow Head icons are used to minimize (arrows pointing in) and maximize (arrows pointing out) a line item.

16.  Use the Add Part or Add Service buttons to add another Part or Service line item to the cart.

 Note: The additional line item can be for the same or a different supplier.




17.  Press the Submit Cart button when your order is ready to be submitted for processing.

Note: When a cart is submitted a requisition is created. The requisition is assigned a number consisting of the cart number with the letter A appended to it. In this example the requisition number would be 917A.

Pressing Submit Cart opens the Requisition Approval window.
Requisition Approval Window

18.  This window displays the Requester of the cart and his or her Spending Limit. In this example Department approval is also required.

19.  Because the amount of this purchase exceeded the Requester’s Spending Limit, Approval is required.

20.  This window also includes fields to enter a note and/or attach file(s) for the approver.

21.  Watcher(s) can also be added by clicking Add Watcher. Clicking Add Watcher will take the user to a list on your company’s Prendio users. When Watchers are added, they will be notified of the order but do not need to approve the order.

22.  Press Submit to submit the Cart. This will create the requisition for the Buyer to process after the approval process is complete.

Prendio Receiver Role
Prendio uses a three-way match of the Packing Slip (Receipt), Invoice (Voucher), and Purchase Order when processing an order. This information is also pushed to your ERP System when the order is complete. For this reason, it is very important for your Packing Slips to be processed when they are received. Processing of the Packing Slips to Receipts is done by the Prendio Receiver Role.

Uploading A Packing Slip:

Note: When uploading a Scanned PDF Packing Slip or Invoice into the Scan Upload window of Prendio for best performance, a maximum file size of 175 KB should be targeted.


Requester > Scan > Scan Upload:


24.  Scanned Packing Slips in PDF format are dragged into this window.

25.  Start Upload is pressed.


Matching A Packing Slip To A Purchase Order:


26.  Scan Match is selected.

27.  The Packing Slip is selected and checked.

28.  The date the Packing Slip was received and the PO it is to be matched are entered.

Note: If BioProcure performs your Company’s Accounts Payable Services the Steps above will be completed by a BioProcure AP Agent and Step 28 will be grayed out.