Getting To Know Prendio

About This Document:
This document gives an overview of each of the Prendio Roles. User roles are assigned by a Company Admin when creating or editing Prendio User Profiles.
In these examples, the Prendio User Profile is assigned all Prendio Roles.
Requester Role:
The Dashboard is the Requester role and every Prendio User gets this role by default.
All Orders in Prendio start as a Cart and there are three ways to create a Cart, Punchout, Catalog, or Manual/Custom Cart.
Once a Cart is submitted it is closed and a Requisition is created. The Req may need to go through Approvals, but once this is complete, a PO is created.
Once the PO Number is available, the Three-Way Match must be completed for the order to be processed using the Prendio Workflow. The three-way match consists of the PO + Packing Slip + Invoice.
From the Dashboard, the Requester can also keep track of their Orders and Carts and also access the Prendio Software Guide, our online reference manual.
Buyer Role:
 *Please note that if your company uses a service provider (ex. BioProcure) for purchasing processes, this role will not be available to users.
The Buyer role Confirms POs with the Supplier as well as negotiating the Contracts with New Suppliers.
Certain orders are routed to the Buyer role for review before a PO can be created.  The Buyer also has the ability to edit existing POs, maintain suppliers, and maintain billing and shipping addresses.
Receiver Role:
 The Receiver role can also access Open Orders, but the biggest responsibility is Uploading Scanned Packing Slips and/or Invoices.
Note: If BioProcure performs the Accounts Payable Services for your Company, you just need to Upload the Packing Slips, BioProcure will perform the Matching, and process the Receipt. 
Packing Slips are Uploaded in Receiver > Scan > Scan Upload and Matched in Receiver > Scan > Scan Match. Once the Packing Slip is Matched to a PO, a Receipt is created. This would complete the first 2 steps of the three-way match.
Accounts Payable Role:
The main responsibility of the Accounts Payable role is Uploading Scanned Packing Slips and/or Invoices.
Note: If BioProcure performs the Accounts Payable Services for your Company, you just need to Upload the Invoices, BioProcure will perform the Matching, and process the Vouchers. 
Invoices are Uploaded in Accounts Payable > Scan > Scan Upload and Accounts Payable in Receiver > Scan > Scan Match. Once the Invoice is Matched to a PO, a Voucher is created. This would complete the three-way match.
AP Management Role:
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The AP Management role is responsible for Pushing Bills to your ERP System once the three-way match is complete. This role also updates previously Pushed Bills when payments were made through their ERP System.
This role also has access to Prendio Reports and Bundle Exports.
Admin Role:
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Every company has at least one Company Admin. The Admin role is responsible for managing your Prendio Website as well as the Prendio Users.