Understanding the Reports Role

Updated on July 22, 2024

The Reports role can be assigned to users enabling access to reporting capabilities without requiring access to the AP Management or Buyer roles.

Please note that the Default View for Carts/Reqs/Orders and Confidential Orders settings in a user's account will not prevent users with the Reports role from viewing specific orders.  Users with this role will be able to run reports and view all orders regardless of these settings in their account.


Assigning the Reports Role

Accessing the Reports


Assigning the Reports Role

To assign the Reports role to a user's account, an Admin can navigate to Admin > Users:


Locate the user to assign the Reports role.  Select Edit in the Action column of their account:


In the User Account Setup window, select the Reports role to assign to the user:


Save on the User Account Setup window once complete and exit the window:


When the user logs in, they will see Reports appear at the top of the screen along with their other roles:



Accessing the Reports

The Reports role provides users access to ten different reports using the dropdown:


Follow the links to learn more about each report including how to request a report and the columns contained in the report:

AP Order Analysis

Buyers' Status Report

Department Summary

Open PO Detail

Open PO Summary

Paid Bills Report

PO Summary

Proxy Request Summary Report

Unpaid Bills Report

User Summary